Far & Wide
Yesterday morning bright and early saw us depart the Gero Marina for a spear. Conditions where par - average for majority of the trip to our first spot some 55k out.... Meggsie was along today for her first fish in along time so as we slowed to down approaching the reef i threw a X-Rap on 8kg out for her and the boys and i geared for a dive.... It didnt take long before the rod took off and the little tyrnos was screaming... First call was for a Spanish but it died in the bum pretty quick and meggs soon had a 6kg sharkie along side - despatched pronto ready for burley. She did a fantastic job considering she has never used an overhead before!. We reset the lure and did a few passes over some bait schools on the dropoff for one more hit before we anchored and got wet.. The dropoff was 16m down into 35..
Dale and Ryan both hit the water and saw plenty of shark macks and the odd small spanish while i readied meggs for a bottom bash... After the initial mayhem and high hopes it was unually quiet here - no current and no pelagic activity. Meggs landed a good baldie and a large morwong which was released & the boys and i hadnt shot a thing... We burleyed pretty hard with the shark mack hoping to lure in something worthy and then a couple of big spangled emps appeared deep in the trail.... Dale took first drop and leveled off in 22m , fired and got a muzzle wrap - spangleds 1 divers 0.
I dove next and followed a good spango chewing on a monster chunk of fish frame down into 18m before a flash caught my eye above me and too a distance... It was a big trout who had come right up off the bottom for a feed... A tad too far to swim at depth i had a good look for a return dive when suddenly a head appeared right in front of me and turned broadside... Hello Mr Spanish! Aimed and fired - the fish quivered , spewed burley and looked for all money stoned! Until i put some pressure on my reel line which must have just pulled the shaft off his spine enough to bring it back.. It departed pronto! A good fight and a second shot later we where on the board with a 15kg spaniard... Megan in the meantime had managed a good 4kg trout which was released....Into the eski of course!
Not wanting to waste daylight we made the call to head off chasing new spots.... One of Dales mates had given us a tip off for big macks & reefies so the call was made to investigate! Bit of current here made diving hard but the dropoff from 8m into 40m looked unreal... SBT busted up everywhere , bait everywhere.... Spotted some good pink snapper that prefered a 1kilometre radius from my riffe then a closer look and the boys took a nice trout each but still no more macks...
Another move along the edge saw us find abit of a fish bowl effect in the reef edge... Anchored again and i was first in the water this time with a big handful of mulies.... Crushed them up and saw a big school of shark macks approach over the sand followed by a bigger school of big Spanish! Quick load of the double powerbands , dropped , leveled off and sent a good holding shot into the shoulder! Surfaced and cried out school of spanish and ive never seen Dale jump in so quick! Landed mine with a big school hanging around and the clearish water saw Dale pull up short on a 20kg plus fish.. Some good spanish where shot and seen and i managed to loose the last shaft on my riffe gun when a quick change in direction on what would have been my pb and 20kg odd spanish took my reel line past the flasher.... Hung up on the blades , pulled the whole rig under and busted off! I was spewing - lost a good fish , killed a good fish that was now wasted , lost another 100$ shaft and also lost about 50m of dyneema in the process....
Dale then managed a nice little 8kg cobia off a large ray. A fish he has chased for along time and almost lost when trying to iki... Shook the shaft free and got out of his grip , took off with dale screaming in hot pursuit , crew on the boat laughing , the fish dived and hit the bottom obviously abit hurt , dale holding only the shaft has a quick breath and dives... Never thought he would get it but managed to get close enough to stab the cobe again freehand and landed his fish!
Capped off the day shooting a couple of baldies and i was stoked to land a couple of flighty Spangled Emps in the shallows.. One is a new pb and went just on 6kgs!
The trip home was attrocious tho - 40odd mile of short sharp wind chop took 3 hrs.... The closer we got to the coast the wind direction went around to the sth west and turned it even more horrible! Was great to finally reach dry land.....
That was our day out Far & Wide off Gero...
Cheers Poddy
Fear The Spear............!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
sounds like a great trip
sounds like a great trip out. pity about the straight hook tho. congrats to you on the pb spango and to Dale on his first cobe.
As always a good write up and pics to go with it.
well done also to Meggsie on the nice fish for dinner
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Podman, I love your write ups
Podman, I love your write ups don't ever stop! Wicked reading
Posts: 336
Date Joined: 31/08/09
sounds like an awesome day
sounds like an awesome day out. hand spearing the cobia after its escape would have been a sight.
I want to look at getting into freediving what would be the best way about it? I live in Perth and was wondering if you could recommend anyone who does courses?
I have swum shallows for crays and have surfed my whole life. i just want to learn the right way to do things. Any info would be greatly appreciated. (sorry for the High-jack)
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
That spango is a cracker,
That spango is a cracker, awesome report mate. Out near abrolhos?
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
easter group
cheer jay - was pretty stoked with it mate! stoned it too which always adds to the capture! the spot we ended up on was up near the easter group mate... aka the loooooong trip back
jeremy pm sent mate
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 05/02/11
Nice work Poddy. We were
Nice work Poddy. We were spearing out that way on the weekend too. I'll send you a couple of pics once i've got them on the computer....
Posts: 274
Date Joined: 12/05/10
Quality again Poddy you are definately a braver man than me diving some off those grounds over there, that Spango is a HORSE..
Posts: 3628
Date Joined: 16/05/07
nice work nath! very nice
nice work nath! very nice indeed!
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Great work, awesome right up
Great work, awesome right up too buddy!
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Top report
Great report, great fish and top pic's.
Well done..
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
Bluewater Exxy will have to
Bluewater Exxy will have to order more spears just to keep up with you next week mate. Hopefully we can add that jack and rankin to the speared list too, waters looking good!
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
good to hear mate! meggs just bought herself a lovely little combo - fin nor rod and small charter special so shes keen as mustard to blood that! talking with adam last night as he passed thru town too
ive put an order in with riffe for new shafts and powerbands but if they dont come hopefully gatesy stocks abit of the riffe gear... im pretty sure he does! gotta get some new gloves too...... shopping list is getting bigger...... Hopefully i dont go blowing too many shafts in exxie but if its worth a thumper rankin trout or red they can have the shaft lol!
give ya a call soon champ
Fear The Spear............!
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
yeah they seem to have a
yeah they seem to have a fair bit of gear in the corner so you should be ok