Few fish over the weekend

 Had our clubs comp bluewater comp over the weekend. Got plenty of fish that wasn't on the list but was a great weekend. Find out how we did next weekend but unfortunately i wont be there as i go back to work tommorrow. 


The highlight was when a 40kg cobia and a spanish mackeral were circling a floating spanish flag and then a sailfish came through and hung around the boat. Something i wont forget anytime soon!


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

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Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 some nice fish there. have

Mon, 2018-09-03 15:42

 some nice fish there. have you got your fury decky trained up to clean the boat and fillet the fish yet. 

ours is a very slow learner, he just sits there and waits for the titbits from the filets .


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

mine crunches on

Mon, 2018-09-03 16:19

 whole mackie frames and eats the tail haha


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

black gen's picture

Posts: 762

Date Joined: 13/04/11

 Nice bag mate well done how

Mon, 2018-09-03 18:46

 Nice bag mate well done 

how far are you travelling out of broome to get into those blacks? Are the reds a little further out?

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13


Tue, 2018-09-04 07:42

 but you can get the bluelines alot closer. They are everywhere this year


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

Date Joined: 13/11/06

 Nice fish, those chinaman go

Tue, 2018-09-04 15:20

 Nice fish, those chinaman go hard hey.


Bring on April