First good Dhui


Hi all,

I caught today my first good Dhui. After checking the forecast yesterday it didn't look like a great day for fishing. So we thought we just head out to check the pots. There were empty like usual... The weather turned out to be pretty good so we decided to head out further to see if we can hook in some Demersals.

We drifted over a few spots without much success. I think it was at the third spot where my mate hooked in a nice blue bone. That was about 55cm and 3-4kg. That started our Season of nicely. On the next spot then we put down some squid bait and it didn't take long for my mate to hook into something bigger. And after a few minutes of fight we spotted some colour. A couple of minutes later our first Dhui was on board. The size for this was about 70cm and 9kg That got us all very excited , my mate and his dad where still busy with the Dhui when my rod ( and that was my first bite of the day as well ) went off. I could feel straight away that this was something a little bit bigger. The fight was harder than I expected and after about 10 to 15 minutes my first big Dhui was on board as well. It weight 14.3kg and was 95cm long.  

I was stoked!!!

We managed to get 2 more baits down but no takers. Then the wind started picking up and we had to make our way back. As we came to 3 mile reef we stopped for a last try to drop some baits. No takers again . But then the sounder started to show heaps of Fish everywhere from top to bottom. A look over the side and we saw a huge school of bait fish. That looked pretty awesome. As I saw it later in the news that must have been the one which was at Trig and Scarb earlier today.

Hope everyone else had a good day too!

Cheers Seb


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Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18101

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 well done guys, thatys a

Mon, 2010-12-27 23:53

 well done guys, thatys a fair dhuie your holding up. btw, that isnt a bluebone , its a baldchin , same family but different regions, . you certainly couldnt complain about only getting those 3 fish


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Good fish there

Tue, 2010-12-28 07:41

mate, Dhuies often come on the bite like that.Yep Faulkners are right that's a Baldchin.

Posts: 917

Date Joined: 04/12/09

Sweeet report there some

Tue, 2010-12-28 08:08

Sweeet report there some yummy treats!


Forever learning with fishing

aalfred's picture

Posts: 669

Date Joined: 13/06/09

Thanks Guys

Tue, 2010-12-28 10:11

Thanks Guys and na we didn't complain about the 3 fish only. Actually a day like this makes the bad days worth while! And thanks for the info with the Baldchin.

DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

Date Joined: 19/08/09

Well done on the dhuies mate.

Tue, 2010-12-28 11:11

Well done on the dhuies mate. Gotta love baldies too!

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

Date Joined: 22/04/09

good on ya seb! photos turned

Tue, 2010-12-28 19:59

good on ya seb!

photos turned out great man, and cheers again for the fillet