First Mulloway
Its hardly worthy of a post but I am pretty bloody happy with myself.
I got down to Floreat Drain at 7.30 tonight. Not a car or fisherman in sight. Headed down to the beach. It was too dark to read the conditions so just perched myself next to the drain. Fished for 1.5 hours for not even a bite and then caught a 34cm trumpeter. Bummer...but it was the biggest trumpeter I have ever caught. Fished for another hour and then threw my three empties in the bin, packed up the rod holder and told myself one more cast. Boom a 48 cm tailor. Next cast caught a 52cm soapie. A few more bites after that then headed home at 10.30pm a happy man.
I realise it is not really worth a mention; but after hours upon hours of fishing for nought mulloway, I was pretty chuffed.
Super peg
Posts: 760
Date Joined: 02/09/12
Gotta love the lucky last
Gotta love the lucky last cast ey! Good stuff mate, dd you keep the fish or release?
The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging
while freezing, sweating, swatting and swearing.
Posts: 447
Date Joined: 18/12/09
Well done, i havent been
Well done, i havent been there in ages, might give it a crack one night this week, what was the weed like there?
Posts: 1200
Date Joined: 05/10/07
Well done.
Perhaps this is the start of a good season. Did you corilate the catch with tide time and moon phase? Look forward to your next post.
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 16/12/11
Super Peg - first mulloway, never eaten one, so I kept. Dinner tonight!
Petervb - No weed at all. Banks are shallow. Need to be out more than 50 meters to get into some deeper water.
Osprey - Good point. It was 20 minutes shy of high tide and ten minutes before the almost full moon poked its head over the dunes.
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
last night
Any luck after I left last night pembo? I was the bloke south I of the drain. The weather shaped up prety nicely hey but my mrs was getting too cold so i reluctantly left.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 16/12/11
No, not really. We caught two tailor in the mid 40's.
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
not nothing
Better than a kick in the groin.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Posts: 469
Date Joined: 19/07/11
What bait did you catch the
What bait did you catch the mulla on?
Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 16/12/11
Just a mulie, however recently I have had inclination to fish with sanmar. A great bait that doesn't get decimated by pickers.
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 05/08/09
That's good work mate better
That's good work mate better than sitting at home.
Posts: 83
Date Joined: 28/01/14
stoked for you mate. welcome
stoked for you mate. welcome to the club. there not bad on the yew either :-)