first narrows trip
Submitted by schecky on Sun, 2009-01-11 13:58
made my first ever trip to narrows last night with liam
not much luck on the mulloway front but did manage a few good runs
managed this flatty on sp at about 6 in the arvo though
original teenage
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where was the invite
where was the invite boys?lol..good flaatty on lure = ]..well done
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ye sorry OT i only thought
ye sorry OT
i only thought about it when we actually got there
we r guna try and organise another trip before i head off to gero
if your interested, when would you wanna go?
original teenage
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yeh = ],pretty keen to meet
yeh = ],pretty keen to meet up with u boys and we will arrange a time = ]..when are u guys heading to gero?
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i got a ice tailor on a 20g
i got a ice tailor on a 20g knnight lure nut that was the only tailor. heaps of bream around aswell we were getting munched up on pink plastics by bream and missed every hookup.
formerly Irish
take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!
bludgin' since 94'
original teenage
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how did u guys know it was
how did u guys know it was bream aye?
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reub, if u dont mind me
reub, if u dont mind me asking. what is the reel u have paired up with for the rod?
looks really neat.
Always Time For Fishing
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its a pflueger trinity. iys
its a pflueger trinity. iys not a bad reel but IMO its too heavy for the rod. they were definite bream bites. u can distigiush them easily from anything else but we were only gettin hit on pink sp's
formerly Irish
take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!
bludgin' since 94'
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Thanks liam
Thanks liam.
that reel looks really neat on that rod and if u have any idea on the price tag on one of those?
Always Time For Fishing
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dunno the price tag but i do
dunno the price tag but i do know that it is under 100 bucks.
formerly Irish
take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!
bludgin' since 94'
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Thanks again liam. see u
Thanks again liam. see u guys soon, when does your hoilday ends?
maybe we could do a over night at the narrows just before the school
Always Time For Fishing
H.S. Chan
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yo guys, next time you
yo guys, next time you decide to hit up narrows give me a yell, i'll join ya.
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Colin Hay
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Nice work on the flatty Fisho
Lools like it was a beautiful night down there.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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i never have any luck down
i never have any luck down there what type of baits where u using for the mulla
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yep otoshi its a pflueger
yep otoshi its a pflueger trinity TRO35 and was around the 60 dollar mark i think
its not bad for the price and i find its only a tiny bit heavy for the rod but im not too fond of little fiddly reels so its alright
um OT we knew they were bream cos other guys next to us were catching em on bait, this was in the hour before dark
yep hopefully sometime this week well get down ther and ill send everyone a pm
but i cant do it after the 22nd as i will be in Geraldton so well have to figure something but get back on 27th so maybe then
ill talk to liam today and figure something out
we were getting runs on herring but when i put out tailor it came back in with giant teeth marks in it.
H.S. Chan
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tackleshack sells that
tackleshack sells that pflueger. Check it out online, google tackleshack.
Jas04, mullas are loner fish, some cases, you could go everyday for a month and still not get one. My mate caught a 16kg one few weeks ago after chasing them for 2 weeks.
All you can do is study how to catch them and make sure youre doing the best on your part, secondly, just keep trying.
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yeah i got it from the
yeah i got it from the shack
wud everyone be good for narrows on saturday?
pm me
H.S. Chan
Posts: 587
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sounds like a plan.
gotta c how the mole looks first tho, if its good, im gonna have to take the mole over narrows. We'll see where the wind blows me. =)
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reub, i will only touch
reub, i will only touch down in perth on sat at 11.05pm. so, give me about 2hrs and i should be able to get my butt down at the narrows.
hope u guys will still be there when i arrive.
Always Time For Fishing
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well be stickin round. we
well be stickin round. we didnt get our big baits out till 9ish anyway when the majority of people left.
formerly Irish
take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!
bludgin' since 94'
H.S. Chan
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what time will you guys get
what time will you guys get to narrows?
How to balance the love of my car with my love of fishing...
original teenage
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otoshi,,its fine..lets do an
otoshi,,its fine..lets do an allniter = ]..if u want.
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um me n liam will get there
um me n liam will get there late arvo for some breaming be4 we chase some mully's
just out of curiosity guys...
whats the best tide for mullys? and does the moon phase HAVE to be right to catch em?
hope theres more tailor this time!
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*look towards the direction
*look towards the direction of OT*
he seems to gets his fish when he is there...
btw, reub, was there no tailor when u guys where there?
Always Time For Fishing
original teenage
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lol, wasnt
lol, wasnt was u that was the fish magnet.the fish just took off with the wrong line..haha..and reub.the best tide is top of the tide slack water and moon is either full or new moon
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nah not much otoshi liam
nah not much otoshi
liam managed one though that went on live
conditions for mulloway wont be tops on sat but its always worth a try ey
Posts: 426
Date Joined: 02/09/08
fished there a couple of
fished there a couple of times and if i remember correctly, the tailors normally kick up after 11pm.
true, its worth a try still...
working towards your mulloway....
Always Time For Fishing
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boys, i am sorry. just
boys, i am sorry. just checked my air ticket. its for the 18th of jan. meaning Sunday. arriver only at 1450hrs. therefore no can do for me on the sat night fishing.
Always Time For Fishing
original teenage
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aww ,man..maybe we can plaan
aww ,man..maybe we can plaan for another trip = ]
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thats alright mate maybe
thats alright mate
maybe next time
Posts: 426
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one things for sure, i'll be
one things for sure, i'll be there sunday night to work out all the dust that my gear have been collecting after my mate put them back after getting that mulloway a couple of months ago. let me know if u guys will be there and i'll bring more ice and drinks for everyone.
Always Time For Fishing
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I'm back friday night guys
I'm back friday night guys so i'll probs come with on saturday.
You couln't wipe that grin fom my face even with a hammer.
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Hi Fishoreub and Liam, By
Hi Fishoreub and Liam,
By looking at your picture of the night scene , I think I was just fishing beside you guys on your left, the bloke with his wife who came about sunset and left about 11pm. Liam caught a tailor while i was packing up and offered the spot to me.. thanks for the gesture again.
Hope to see you guys again there... was actually thinking of going down tomorrow night.. hmmm..
Posts: 1645
Date Joined: 25/08/08
oh yeah i remember you
oh yeah i remember you mate
hope to see you down there again soon buddy