Fishing charters

 Wow 80 charter operators  could go broke after July the 1st, who would have ever thought this could happen, what a sad outcome, plenty of other businesses will be struggling as well.


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

big john's picture

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Sad Day

Sat, 2023-06-10 18:11

 The last remaining Bluewater is closing down.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Posts: 227

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 And the person responsible

Sat, 2023-06-10 18:50

 And the person responsible is the minister for small business as well as fisheries go figure..

still trying's picture

Posts: 1074

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 How  did they choose who got

Sat, 2023-06-10 20:17

 How  did they choose who got tags and who didn't.  Don't know anything about who has and has not seems pretty  rough to me that some afe able to continue and others are just told to find a new income. 


 rather be fishing

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

Not just 80 all of them they

Sun, 2023-06-11 07:59

Not just 80 all of them they all could. Not enough tags for those that got them either to be viable less than 6 fish each a week averaged out between the boats, though some with much less than that. How do you manage that on a charter, tell the 8 guys on board only 5 of them can catch a fish and then only do one charter a week? It is not cheap to keep a boat in survey and a crew in employment on a part time operation. 



still trying's picture

Posts: 1074

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 From what I heard only afew

Sun, 2023-06-11 08:39

 From what I heard only afew were even offered tags


 rather be fishing

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

Going forward

Sun, 2023-06-11 11:16

 It seems pretty gloomy for the charter boats, and perhaps for the rest us too.

 Lets assume that the new restrictions have the desired effect and demersal fish stocks start to recover over the next 5 years or so.

One wonders to what extent older rules, bag limits etc will be reinstated. 

Hard to imagine that any reversal of the rules going forward will be generous.     

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 28/07/10

Ratcheted up

Sun, 2023-06-11 11:29

There is next to no chance of the fishery recovering by 2030 as set forth in the harvest strategy. Dhuie numbers will become critical under current regime most probably . Unless we are lucky with a strong recruitment pulse it’s a dead fishery walking under current management regime. IMO 

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

Dhu will be smashed, no

Mon, 2023-06-12 15:20

Dhu will be smashed, no chance of recovery by 2030 while commercials can still target spawn aggregations. Plus the rec rules are terrible for dhu too. 

Until they set up protected areas for dhu to behave pre GPS in schools of hundreds of fish it will never recover just more reductions in effort to come. Its rare to find a school of more than 20 fish these days. 

Taken from fisheries research paper 187;

Aggregating dhufish have been found throughout the West Coast Bioregion (Table 3.5), with the Cape Naturaliste area noted by two ex-commercial fishers who once fished grounds from Cape Naturaliste to Shark Bay, as being the main aggregating area within the species range. Indeed, the largest reported aggregation was found off Cape Naturaliste by a commercial fisher in November 1966 (year uncertain), and nicknamed the ‘ghost patch’. The fish in this aggregation were densely packed and filled an area approximately 40 feet high and up to 400 feet long. It was estimated by the four retired fishermen who independently mentioned this aggregation that it contained thousands of fish. This aggregation was fished constantly by four boats until catches declined and it disappeared in February the following year. 




Swompa's picture

Posts: 3916

Date Joined: 14/10/12

Sounds like they raped the

Mon, 2023-06-12 17:25

Sounds like they raped the fishery until it died.

And now it's everyone else's problem.


At least they made a buck while f*cking everyone else...

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

Don't blame the fishermen,

Mon, 2023-06-12 18:13

Don't blame the fishermen, its the way fisheries manage the fishery. The commercial fishers will always go for the most profitable easiest option. Then fish till diminishing returns means to move some ware else or find a new patch. I have fished in several fisheries and they are all the same. You get good fishers who try to do the right thing but there is also competition between fishers too, that makes it worse. Fisheries just look at it regional level at best not at protecting breeding stocks or local depletions until the damage is done. Fisheries want the easy cheap options for management not necessarily the best. 

Fisheries management doesn't take these things into account very well. Rec fishing has issues too people who find a honey hole and sit there all day catch and release, I have heard plenty of people bragging about catching 30 plus dhu in a day and release just for fun. 



Swompa's picture

Posts: 3916

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 I'm just bitter because I

Mon, 2023-06-12 20:26

 I'm just bitter because I can't find even one (other than the 10cm version I got two months back) 

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 28/07/10

Tags were allocated based on

Sun, 2023-06-11 11:35

Tags were allocated based on history of the last five years. Those that were conservative or not fishing the area of west coast during that time got zero. Some former operators that have left the fishery naturally and sold their boats got an allocation. I was hopeful pro effort would be bought out and reallocated but the latest document from fisheries says that 2.5 million will be spent buying Wetline effort to gift to Demersal gillnetters and remainder left in the ocean (the last bit is not a bad idea imo). The first bit though is disgusting.

Posts: 345

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Mon, 2023-06-12 11:21

 Thanks for all the comments Jamie but one thing that puzzles me; how would demersals be netted?

 Aren't those fish normally found over reefy areas unsuited to netting?      

Posts: 412

Date Joined: 02/09/06

Big Stoinka Fishing Charters

Sun, 2023-06-11 19:40

 Hi All

I am the owner of a charter business that takes people out fishing of all abilities in the South West of our great state and have been a member here for 16 years and 40 weeks.

We have been operating for just over 2 years. 

I could waste my time discussing our one on one conversation I had with him after cooking his ANZAC Day Breakfast but all I can say

is our Minister is so out of touch with our community. One thing that amazed me is his protection of the Gill Netters. He stated " We will not reduce their catches due to the Mum and Dads of this state needing to be able to buy there Fish and Chips as all the Fish and Chip shops rely on our local fish.

The local fish and chip shops in my  area all sell imported fish!!!!!

Bring on the next election please. On a personal note they are setting the Recs up with thses new rules to get a full closure with only commercial fishing getting a big slice of the pie in the years to come.


Posts: 412

Date Joined: 02/09/06

Big Stoinka Fishing Charters

Sun, 2023-06-11 19:40

 Hi All

I am the owner of a charter business that takes people out fishing of all abilities in the South West of our great state and have been a member here for 16 years and 40 weeks.

We have been operating for just over 2 years. 

I could waste my time discussing our one on one conversation I had with him after cooking his ANZAC Day Breakfast but all I can say

is our Minister is so out of touch with our community. One thing that amazed me is his protection of the Gill Netters. He stated " We will not reduce their catches due to the Mum and Dads of this state needing to be able to buy there Fish and Chips as all the Fish and Chip shops rely on our local fish.

The local fish and chip shops in my  area all sell imported fish!!!!!

Bring on the next election please. On a personal note they are setting the Recs up with thses new rules to get a full closure with only commercial fishing getting a big slice of the pie in the years to come.


Posts: 296

Date Joined: 27/05/11

 Since the new rules have

Sun, 2023-06-11 20:56

 Since the new rules have come in I have been making a point of quickly purusing any fishmonger I walk past. I am yet to see any breaksea or baldies in store, and rarely have come across any dhu. Those selling 'local' fish seem to focus on Red Emporer and Rankin and the occasional pinky... Would love to somehow get access to realtime daily catch data which could then be compared to what is on hand at Fishmongers that day...

420casts's picture

Posts: 281

Date Joined: 25/03/13

I think it's fucked personally

Mon, 2023-06-12 11:59

 Exporting our awesome fish to other places, and importing near dogshit quality stuff from Thailand and Vietnam.

Our seafood should be for us, and not finding any of our local demersals, or Baldchin and blackarse in local shops or on local menus is sad. I'm sure "local" pink Snapper can be snapper from anywhere and they can probably get away with labelling it as that - I would pay very good money for Dhufish cooked well at a reputable eatery, knowing it came from the waters off the shores of Perth or its surrounds. I asked a monger about Mulloway and why it isn't seen on sale often if ever, and he told me that they are accidentally caught as bycatch and sold to places that make fish patties and fish fingers etc. When you look online it states they are commercially harvested in WA, but I can't find where this happens, how, or where the products end up. Something I would like to investigate further, or if anyone on here can shed some light that would be great. I know that the South Africans began farming them for Woolworths so they could relieve pressure from their native stocks, and friends I know from their have said it's great, as in quality / taste and also obviously better than utilising bycatch from prawn trawling which seems to be downright indiscriminate towards the age / size / number of fish caught that can't be released. 



My YouTube channel, Fishing Rigs & How To's and more:



Chinbald's picture

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Time for some action, we are getting screwed hard

Mon, 2023-06-12 11:37

About time we all hook up the boats and drive to Parliament, drop all the bait from our freezers on the front steps that we once used for fishing. 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 I read on the FB page of

Mon, 2023-06-12 12:03

 I read on the FB page of Australian professional fisherman that he lays the blame solely at Rec anglers feet and has basically said a big fuck you to all of us. Charming.


Love the West!

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3916

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Seems like a very angry

Mon, 2023-06-12 13:31

 Seems like a very angry victim of an admin.