Fishing in Commonwealth Waters Survey (Marine Parks)

Fishing in Commonwealth Waters Survey (Marine Parks)

Recfish Australia is currently preparing a report which describes in broad terms, areas of interest to recreational fishers. These areas are specifically locations within Commonwealth Waters which typically begin 3 nautical miles (5km) offshore. Recfish Australia has launched an online survey to collect information from recreational fishers that fish in Commonwealth Waters. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and we ask all fishers to take the time to complete the survey.

The survey can be accessed at , please share the link with your friends and if you need printed versions of the survey for fishers that dont have access to the Internet, please contact us.

The purpose of this survey is to provide information that will assist recreational fishers to demonstrate to the Australian Government that there is significant interest in ensuring ongoing access to fish resources and fishing opportunities in Commonwealth Waters.

Recfish Australia is committed to ensuring the long term viability of sustainable recreational fisheries and will strive to ensure that the rights of recreational fishers are considered alongside all other stakeholders.

Fishers are asked to provide the name or description of their top five locations and are also asked about their perceptions of Marine Parks. There is also the opportunity to provide contact details for fishers that wish to be further engaged and kept informed of the Marine Bioregional Planning Program.

The report is essential in light of the Marine Bioregional Planning Process currently in progress around the country. The aim of the MBP is to establish a network of comprehensive and representative Marine Parks within Commonwealth Waters. More information about the process can be found

Recfishwest (Western Australia) is a member of Recfish Australia (National)

Figure 1. Areas for Further Assessment for the Development of a Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network in the South-west Marine Region See

North West areas for further assessment see



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