Port Kennedy development proceeding

Planning Minister John Day announced that stage one of the Port Kennedy coastal development would go ahead after negotiations were finalised with the developers.

Mr Day said approximately 10.7ha of State land would be transferred through the Port Kennedy Development Project Agreement, in exchange for Western Australia Beach and Golf Resort providing about $19million for public works for stage one of the development across a five-year period.

“The project will provide an integrated coastal holiday-style development with high quality tourism, commercial, residential, recreation and leisure opportunities available to the community,” he said.

"Public works will include a boat launching facility and foreshore upgrades including picnic areas; footpaths and a boardwalk network; public toilets; dual-use paths; access to the western beach; and upgrades to the Port Kennedy Scientific Park.

“These will be integrated with the residential and future town centre development to be provided by the developer and the long-awaited development will boost economic and community development in the area.

“The southern suburbs have waited nearly 20 years for this development.

“Western Australia Beach and Golf Resort was assigned the rights to the development in August 2002 and project manager Mirvac then progressed proposals for stage one with a final detailed proposal signed off in June 2008.

“The State Government has undertaken a thorough review of the project and expects the developer to commence construction of the public works early next year.”

The Port Kennedy Development Agreement Act 1992 was prepared to recognise the environmental sensitivity of the area’s dune peninsula while also developing significant benefits for the community.

Minister's office - 9213 6600


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