fishing sun 24th
went out from 2 rocks yesterday, got 2 the ramp about 6:40 to b greeted with a nice queue of boats, must of been about 12 boats waiting 2 launch. eventually got on the water & the plan was 2 head out 2 the bank, we got 2 the inside of the bank and stsrted 2 fish. we tried a few spots with out much luck, so we decided 2 head 2 the 35-40m mark & do some driftbaiting as the wind had dropped rite of. 1st drop got a solid hit & after a 5 min fight pulled up a nice pinky it went 75cm & about 4 kilo,my pb 4 perth waters so i was very happy, as i was fighting it a old bloke pulled up about 15m from our boat & droped his line ( rude f##king prick ) so we decided 2 shift after he pinged our spot. we went 2 some outher spots & i got a nice kg went 54cm. we tried a few more spots, justin pulled up a couple of cods, and a nice harly. we also got a couple of undersize dhus & pinks, which were released with a weight. got some more bits & bobs which we released & i pulled up a monster port jacson which i released then 10 mins later caught the same1, think he would of learned after i caught him the 1st time. it was a great day on the water, here is a pic of the fish we kept 4 a feed............
Posts: 9512
Date Joined: 10/02/07
there arn't alot of manners out in the deep
Fast fish rule!
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
what type of boat was this
what type of boat was this guy in and colour, interesting if it was the same pinging me
The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
Posts: 638
Date Joined: 22/02/07
we got pinged yesreday out
we got pinged yesreday out the back of the five by a lovely COMMODORE cruiser
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Hate pinging
When we had fishing comps at CBPA, hubbie would let them all leave first about a 1hour then he'd go out so nobody would follow him, as he was off- shore champion 3 years (not in a row) and they all knew hubbie fished the Bank. But nothing worse than doing the hard yards and get a nice lump and some &^%%$# person comes and pings your spot, you can image the language coming out of hubbies mouth, I have to wear ear plugs when this happens.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 484
Date Joined: 26/02/08
mat, it was a cream colour
mat, it was a cream colour stejcraft fisher about 5.5 meter.
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
yeah i had a red ali half
yeah i had a red ali half cab about the same size
The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
Pi$$es you off
isnt it just the pet hate for all fisho!! i had a crew of young fellas in a tinnie scope me out last weekend whilst anchored in shallow off gero catchin some nice coral trout dhuies and sambos... had a burley trail happening and watched these Di**heads get clores and closer till mum hooked a nice dhu and these blokes did 3 laps of the boat so close its not funny and then drop the pick about 20m away.. 2 of em jumped in the drink and dove for abit swimming right over and under my boat almost gettin tangled in my bloody line... all the fish shut down so i gave em another huge mouth full and left with them just laughing... just plain idiots with no commen sense
Cheers Poddy
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 484
Date Joined: 26/02/08
yea, it does piss u of, as
yea, it does piss u of, as soon as he dropped he was on as well, after a minute fight he pulled up a big s/ baker..... i was praying it was a nortwest blowie........
Posts: 393
Date Joined: 12/06/08
Offsider needed
Good evining gentelmen and fellow piscators (funny using gentelman and piscators in same sentence) As I am no longer gainfully employed,and enjoy wasting time draging a bait all over the ocean in the hope some fish will bite,I wonder if any one out there who enjoys fishing but is land locked, I have a 7mt cc and have been boating on the Perth waters for 40years I cannot say that Im the greatest fisherman,infact I am not able to say that I know all about fishing,but I am a safe ,sea sensable skipper who has been able to always bring all his crew back to terra firma ( not always with fish) As I find the cost of running a boat somwhat erksome (others would say F####g expensive) now I am on a pension I would like to meet any other ,like situated person s with the view of having a day out when the weather permits and share the fuel costs,and also the catch (if any),if you know any one who may be interested or can offer me advise please contact me for any further information on 93099438 I live in the northern suburbs and Im only 20 mins from Ocean reef or Hillarys mariners,or 25 from mindarrie,any ways,all the best in the fishing stakes to all and safe boating,regards jersey
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Hi Jersey, you got a PM
Hi Jersey,
you got a PM