Hi Guys,
I have come accross some information in regards to copyright which the government is thinking about enforcing which should be taken note of. I will attach it underneath for you to read, but as of today I will be changing the music to all fishwrecked videos and using creative commons for future work to adhere with the potential of these stringent regulations. (dated 02/01/07)
Adam Gallash
"We’re all copyright criminals now
Intellectual property academic Kim Weatherall writes:
Imagine this: girl having great time at live concert uses fabulous slimline phone with mp3 recorder and camera to capture the moment. She sends it to her home computer, and later plays it for the office Christmas party.
According to the Australian government she is a criminal. Under laws now being debated in the Senate and due to pass in coming weeks, she is:
Making a direct recording of a performance without the permission of the performer(s):
Criminal offence, $6,600 fine;
Possessing equipment to copy an unauthorised recording: criminal offence, $6,600 fine;
Making a copy of an unauthorised recording: criminal offence, $6,600 fine;
Paying an unauthorised recording publicly: criminal offence, $6,600 fine.
Total fines: $26,400.
And she’s not alone. These laws are so broad that they also catch:
The company, selling a research report, whose employee cut-and-pasted a photograph from online to make the cover look pretty;
You, if you own a device that will be used for making infringing copies. Make sure you get rid of that video-recorder you’re using to tape TV shows for your mother-in-law.
The proposed bill also creates on-the-spot fines -- infringe copyright and you could be up for a $1,320 fine, on the spot. While we’ve always had criminal offences in the Copyright Act, these laws only applied to people who act intentionally or recklessly. The requirement of intent is one of the most fundamental protections of criminal law. The Copyright Amendment Bill removes that: you can now be a copyright criminal without knowledge or intention.
The government will tell you that the provisions will only be enforced against "pirates" – the guys importing pirate DVDs and the dudes at the market selling pirated software. If so, why aren’t these offences restricted to activities carried out for profit, on a commercial scale?
The government will also tell you that we can’t draft these provisions more narrowly and people should have trust in how they will be enforced. But the reality seems to be that they want these laws through quickly and haven’t publicly consulted.
So what is behind these new laws -- and why the rush? Well, parts of the bill are there because we need them to comply with the US FTA – that’s Schedule 12, the ‘anti-hacking’ law about digital rights management. But the government is using this urgency to push through a lot of other stuff, including the criminal laws.
What I’d like to know is how the government plans to explain these laws to parents and families who will suddenly become copyright criminals, and to small businesses who will have to fund copyright training out of already stretched budgets.
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Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
"If so, why aren’t these
"If so, why aren’t these offences restricted to activities carried out for profit, on a commercial scale?"
Agree with the above quote 100%.
Jay Burgess
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 29/11/06
thats just stupid there
thats just stupid there never going to be able to enforce this, the only way you would get in trouble is if you were making profit from it. or you were a organisation, but to the general public, ther not going to go around and fine millions of people. its just like burning dvd's your only allowed 1 backup copy and you must also own the original i bet everyone has bali dvd's or copy dvds without the original. and how would the goverment look if it became front line in the papers that a strugling tafe student was fined over this matter. the only way they would do anything is if you were selling
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
So anybody with a video camera is Possessing equipment to copy an unauthorised recording: criminal offence, $6,600 fine; so every vid camera is now unlawful to use ( well just about).
Strap yourself in , and feel the GGGGG's
The lying scumbag that I am .
And apparently I'm a nob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
copyright craziness
what's the story if you are out fishing with the radio playing, video the fishing trip and then make a video which, unintentionally, has the background music from the radio in it?
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
It means your a copyright
It means your a copyright criminal lol... gee it's so pathetic. As if they're going to be able to enforce it.
Jay Burgess