Fridge mechanic

 Hi all I have a ice machine that has stopped working. It sounds like the compressor kicks in but doesn't stay in very long. If there any fridge mechanics on here that might be able to help me out.


Posts: 150

Date Joined: 09/12/13

 Ice machines are good when

Tue, 2015-08-25 00:29

 Ice machines are good when they work but usally a nighmare when they stop.

Could be any number of things, how long does the compressor run for? Is it hot when it stops? Is the fan running ok? can you hear or feel/hear a gas solinoids clicking on/off?

That may give us half an idea, Also what brand is it?


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 short cycling is usually a

Tue, 2015-08-25 04:46

 short cycling is usually a sign of being short of gas, though there are many things that can cause/contribute.
First thing is to chuck a set of gauges on it and see what going on.

Look all around the inside near the evaporator, condensor and compressor for signs of oil, a leak will usually also discharge a little oil.

Spray a little water/detergent around the fittings 


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.