Fuel types for 2 stroke outboards
Submitted by Ashen on Mon, 2014-07-07 11:50
Just wondering what type of petrol people use for their 2 stroke outboards? The place where I got my OceanPro fitted reckons unleaded 91 is fine. Does anyone know if using 95RON will make a difference?
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Posts: 2629
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Yes - to your hip pocket
What you need to remember is most of these motors are manufactured in the US where their "standard" fuel is of a lower octane (88 from memory) hence our standard pump fuel at 91 is the equivalent of their premium however when I ran a two stroke I used to fill with 98 every tenth tank full as supposedly (and I am no mechanic) it assists in keeping the injectors nice and clean however I am sure the technically minded members will put you straight.
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
When I had my 2 stroke merc fitted the mechanic
suggested always running it on 95 octane. The few times when i havent been able to get 95 and had to run on 91 i noticed she was alot more smokey than usual and sometimes didnt want to start as easily so its always 95 octane for me when its available.
Posts: 205
Date Joined: 08/09/11
The timing is set for the factory specifyed octane, higher octain fuel generaly requires more advance, or the motor will run retarded, hotter. Motors with a knock sensor will automaticly advance the timing. If you get the timing set for the fuel you want to use and stick with it, you will get a power gain,economy too , but need some one with the knowlege to do it. An intresting thought, outboard dyno.
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
my old johnson 2 stroke 97 ran noticibly better on premium unleaded, I premixed in the tank
my newer 4 stroke doesnt make a difference, some coastal hamlets have crappy fuel in their tanks probably rust and water ingress issues
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
91 should be no problems at
91 should be no problems at all but depending on advance etc may run better on 95/98, if your having no probs on 91 save the money.
came very close to topping up the boat tanks on my last trip to Smoky Bay in April but decided not to at the last minute - mate topped up his car (but luckily not his boat either) - later found half the car fuel tank was full of water. Had heavy rain the night before.
Filter on the boat would have caught it but we both wouldn't have had any usable fuel and been stuck out on a crap choppy day.
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Posts: 1042
Date Joined: 22/03/13
Thanks guys. My motor have
Thanks guys. My motor have been running fine on 91. Just thought using 95/98 will have more benefits such as cleaner running etc. But based on all of the above feedback, I'll stick to 91 and regular general maintenance.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!