German Shepherd needs new home
Unfortunately we’ve had to make the decision to re-home our German Shepherd due to personal circumstances.
I thought this might be a good place to put out some feelers as most people on here will be like minded, outdoors types and we want to guarantee her a good future. She is 5 years old, female, long coat sable GSD, pure bread with all the papers and vaccinations up to date. Comes from a very good blood line and never had any health issues. We’ve had her since she was a pup, she’s a great family dog and has been fantastic with our kids who are 3 years old. She loves the water and other dogs (can get a bit over playful at times) and just being around people.
The negatives, she is a long coat GS, so make no mistake, she does drop a bit of hair and needs a good brush occasionally to keep her under control. Also, she’s not the most well trained on the lead, could do with some training. She’s also takes a big liking to fish and crays in particular, so you’d want to keep an eye on her when cleaning them in the backyard.
Her name is ‘Mahi’, drop me a message if you think you could provide her a good home and a good life. I’m located in Mullaloo.
Sea goat
Posts: 999
Date Joined: 26/03/17
hey mate, just a thought,
hey mate, just a thought, might be worth contacting the german shepard association.... these interest gorups will often find either foster carers, or people who have had shepards in the past looking for another. this way they know what to expect and how to handle them... and much more likley to get people who legitamtely care about them.
i would be a bit careful posting things like this and advise agianst anything on gum tree or forums etc. have seen a lot of rehomed dogs that i have been quite suspciious have been used in dog fighting rings etc before being abandoned. people in these circuits often troll forums etc looking for dogs they can aquire easily.
I have personally found animal protection society are quite good at rehoming as are SAFE. these guys usually scrutinise new owners pretty clsoely before allowing a dog to go into their care so may be able to offer assistanc eif yu run out of options.
Good luck, looks like a great dog!
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 20/11/11
thanks SeaGoat- yes, your
thanks SeaGoat- yes, your thoughts are exactly my concern. I certainly won't be letting her go to anyone, I need to comfortable she's going to the right people . I originally contacted the GS Association and they directed me to S.A.F.E Perth. I thought i'd first give this forum ago and if no luck will contact SAFE. cheers/Ben
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Lovely German shepherd. If
Lovely German shepherd. If only I didn't have FIFO coming up
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Beautiful dog, shame we already have a pair of crazy beagles. There is a Perth German Shepard rescue mob on bookface if you have it.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 251
Date Joined: 28/07/11
My long hair GS boy is 5
My long hair GS boy is 5 years old and looks a dead ringer to yours! Same behaviour too haha!
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 14/02/19
I have private messaged you
I have private messaged you mate, please read it and call the number provided.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Enquire mahi
Do you still have mahi,i we have a rescue gsd who we got through S A F E can you please tell us if she is sterilised and has she had much to do with other gs dogs
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 20/11/11
PM'd ya.
PM'd ya.