Getting him ready

He struggles with fg knot atm. :). Can't wait till he can swim.

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deep south's picture

Posts: 190

Date Joined: 28/12/16

Goid time

Thu, 2018-03-01 19:21

 Start him young mate I remember when my boy was a little tike and his favorite toy was a deep diving minnow with a rattle in it and of course the trebles removed , turned into a fishing nut like me !


The next time i see that jig will be in the mouth of something big !!


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 great start. if he can hold

Thu, 2018-03-01 19:37

 great start. if he can hold a rod he can fish. if he cant tie the fg atm get him started on the bimini twist, or maybe the albright. 



RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 546

Date Joined: 20/02/11

 Awesome mate. My kids (3&5)

Thu, 2018-03-01 20:01

 Awesome mate. My kids (3&5) love catching blowies atm. 



little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

My daughters

Thu, 2018-03-01 20:10

Son growing quick. Few years yet. Only turned 1 few months ago. Future fisherman I hope. Give little Andy and Luke run for there money , down the track . Cheers

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

Get him a license and you'll

Thu, 2018-03-01 21:44

Get him a license and you'll be able to take him out and bring home 4 demersals 


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Not until

Thu, 2018-03-01 21:55

He can swim. Few years yet:)

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

 Thats tops, cant wait for my

Fri, 2018-03-02 07:30

 Thats tops, cant wait for my young bloke to be able to come out fishing with me and my dad. No better addiction to grow up with imo


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Walfootrot's picture

Posts: 1385

Date Joined: 23/07/12


Fri, 2018-03-02 10:22

 Adams a little champ John, little more time and he will be showing you a thing or two about fishing, good times ahead


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

That second picture is just

Fri, 2018-03-02 10:46

That second picture is just precious. Should but a Meme on it.
Something like "Who said the FG knot is difficult". Looks like he's got it sussed.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Help's picture

Posts: 28

Date Joined: 11/01/13

Calamari Classic Entrant

Fri, 2018-03-02 10:50

Hi mate, have you put him in the Calamari Classic. we have no under 12's in the Kayak or land based divisions as yet... haha, Kayak may be a bit ambitious yet.

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

 I have one of those ugly

Sat, 2018-03-03 11:28

 I have one of those ugly stick tackle rats rods for my young bloke....


I tie a burley blob float on his rod and he casts it down the driveway....


He call it his squids, he goes and catches some more squids....

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

young but ...

Sun, 2018-03-04 15:33

... he has plenty of good coaches Johnny so he'll be fast tracked .... maybe dont show him everything haha