Good day off Two Rocks
With the weather forcast looking pretty awesome yesterday, I decided that it was time to take the boat for its maiden venture off two rocks.
Quick call to a mate from the shop, who was more than happy to join, and a 7am launch was agreed on.
Got to the ramp and the car park was pretty much full, considering the weather it was expected. Boat launched and 30mins later had out first drop on a lump in 34m. *rule on my bait!!* Wes was first to drop a jig down and 2 jigs off the bottom Smash! good hit and screaming drag...only to be busted off 10 seconds later. I drop my jig down and couple of lifts BANG! also a good hit only to end in the same result. Annoyed but atleast the fish were biting!
Re-rig and down they go again...couple of jigs and on! this time got the fish off the bottom, 5mins later and a samll sambo pops up...nothing special but not complaining.
Couple of drifts go by and on again! this time didnt feel big or put up much of an fight. Up comes a 40cm harlequin, Wes decides he wants it for dinner so spiked and iced it went.
After that it was decided that a change in location was in order so couple of kms south we went to another lump. As we approached, it turns out an old bloke in his tinny was anchored on the lump, BUT!... about 500m south of the lump we noticed birds diving so decided we would check it out. as we got closer we could see small tuna (most probably stripeys) smashing a big school of bait. Wes had a few casts at the school with two solid hits but no hook ups....then the school disappeared. BUT i noticed the sounder was filled with fish! Figured the school had gone deeper....down went the jigs!
I was with first to hook up! Solid head shakes and pulling string! Wes then hooks up and the adrenalin starts pumping! about a minute into the fight wes gets busted off....then my custom 30lb rod snapped below the first theres me trying to fight a fish with just the reel...2 minutes of stuggling and get busted off. Re-rig, this time with plastics becasue jigs cost a fair bit more...couple of twitches and BANG! both hooked up again! only to end in the same rig again and wes is the first to hook up...this time he get it away from the bottom so i decide ill keep my lure on board and be ready to land the fish.
10mins later up comes a dirty old SAMBO!! Dissapointed not to get a tuna we decided to move again. This time a little deeper!
Headed out to the 40m contour and a small feint show of bait on the sounder...line up the drift and down went the jigs...*jig* *jig* *jig*...BANG! I hook up to something decent....10seconds later.....wes hooks up...only to be smoked by a monster!! Eventually i see colour..DHU!!! up comes a 78cm dhuie! My first on my boat and on jig and a personal best!
Spiked and iced he went!
Line up the drift again and drop the jigs we drift over the spot...BANG! i hook up again...this time a bit more of a fight and 5mins later colour...DHU AGAIN!!!
This time is a 82cm one...Another personal best!!! So stoked!
Spiked and iced!
Both fish landed on 15lb and an 80g Eupro Flash in the red gold.
Couple more drifts of the same spot results in wes landing 2 60cm dhus and dropping another 2 suspected dhus..
after this we decided to call it and head home.
Was and awesom day out and the fish played ball...could have asked for better weather and 30mile to 20litres to love the yammy fourstrokes!
To all the people who had 'a quiet day' i feel for you because it seem like the fish we very active on every lump we dropped on.
Posts: 349
Date Joined: 04/02/12
Extremely jealous
Spent six - yes six hours in a strat meeting dreaming of being out on the water today. Goooood fishing and that on jigs!
Fisheagle Ed
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
Might need some heavier gear next time haha. Seems like the fish are biten well for some recently, nice work, Harleys piss all over dhu on the table too I reckon
just a shame they dont get much bigger than that
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Posts: 504
Date Joined: 13/03/13
Great work fellahs the Eurpro
Great work fellahs the Eurpro flash are nice jigs, same rule as my boat no bait
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Top report, bad luck about
Top report, bad luck about getting busted off so many times.
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 04/01/12
great day out.... I gotta get
great day out.... I gotta get a bigger boat.
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Well done guys ,sounds like
Well done guys ,sounds like a great day out and the conditions look awsome .Some big schools of sambos on some of those lumps in close. We stay well clear of them .Hope the weather is as good for Monday as will be heading out for a trip. Maybe hit the 80m.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 13/01/13
Nice day :)
Good report and some nice photos to remember it by.
Glassed off at lunch for a perfect run home from north of Rotto.
Happy days
Seek & Deploy
Posts: 66
Date Joined: 03/09/13
good jigs
Good jigs vaule for money with a nice action.well done on the fish.
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 17/01/11
Nice day out
I was wishing while working!
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
edit wise
Ol Tom
Posts: 331
Date Joined: 17/12/13
Boat rule -No bait??? With
Boat rule -No bait??? With fish like that who needs it!!!