got some wire and trying to tie
was down at BCF the other day and grabbed some mason down under single strand wire.
they had just single strand but it was nickel? so i got this cus it was stainless.
had a go at doing a haywire twist today, first i started with just my hands, trying to get it as tight as possible
after a couple turned out like this i grabbed the pliers and a srew driver and had another shot
had the pliers in the left hand and srew driver in the right and pulled tight then turned, pull tight and turn,i did this 10 times, thought it was prettygood,
then did another one with more turns to see if it looked better, this time i did about 15 turns and thought it looked tighter on the metal so i used it when i made up a foot long trolling rig
made it so it finisged up at 300mm long and 2 open eyes at each end, (one end will have a hawian snap for the lure and then other end is open for the snap swivel.
just wanted you guys thoughts on my rig and if ive done it good or its too short, do you reckon that 15 wraps is too much and it should only be 10, or just not use as much wire when i start twisting (i used 80mm to wrap)
keen for some feedback
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Date Joined: 01/02/10
Not really right there mate.
Not really right there mate. You need to bend the short tab and wrap it around the main strand. The idea is that the tab does all the bending and the actual trace stays straight. Bit hard to explain.
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Also a haywire, don't look
Also a haywire, don't look like that either.
You do those intial wraps say 4 times then about 4 to 5 very tight and close together turns!
Someone else might be able to explain better than I as I'm just an immigrant!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
You really need to read up on
You really need to read up on tying the haywire twist, doesn't look like you're keeping the tab out to finish the knot with the tight wraps.
Oceanside Tackle
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Haywire wire trace
Single strand stainless stiff wire is better by far to use. We had a few Fishwrecked members come in today that were heading north to Exmouth and Ryan & myself gave out demos on how to do the "Haywire wire trace".
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big john
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You need to start with a haywire and then finish with a barrel roll. There should be enough of a tag left that you can bend it straight out at 90 degrees and then twist it to break it off smooth against the barrel roll.
Single strand stiff is the go. It will usually have the instructions on the back of the packet.
Theres a pic of a good connection in my photo gallery if your interested.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
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okay guys, good to know
okay guys, good to know before i used it. what brands make stiff single strand?
Captain Grumpy
Posts: 74
Date Joined: 06/01/11
Halco or Superflex in 105lb.
Halco and Superflex pre straightened stainless steel leader wire.
Easy to tie, strong, reliable and cheap.
I have found it easier to watch someone who knows how to tie knots than to try to learn from books and text.
However, once ive seen it tied, then the text makes more sense!
Think Before You Say Something Stupid....
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as said above not right and has been twisted too tight. do about 5 wraps with your fingers then bend it out 90deg and grip the end of the 5 twists with pliers and do another 5 barrel rolls and cut it off flush. so hard to explain so go to a site sponsor its really easy once someone shows you.
also if you are trolling locally you can probably go lighter like 69lb wire
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Best not even to cut the tag,
Best not even to cut the tag, just do the barrel roll, then kink the end at 90 degrees, then twist that up, it usually breaks off at the barrel.
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is your friend ;)
1. Thread the wire through the eye of the hook or swivel, and form a loop with the wire, leaving a 3- to 4-inch long tag end. Hold the loop with your index finger and thumb or with pliers, then cross the 2 strands as shown. Grip both strands firmly with the pad of the index finger on top of one and the pad of the thumb under the other.
2. Use your free hand to rotate the 2 strands of clockwise 90 degrees to lock the loop in place. For this to happen, the 2 strands must take half a wrap around each other. Slippage will occur if only one wraps around the other, thus affecting the strength of the Haywire Twist.
3. Continue to twist the 2 strands 6 to 8 full turns (the heavier the wire, the fewer twists), always making sure they both wrap evenly.
4. Then bend the tag end in a 90 degree angle, and wrap it around the main wire strand making 5 to 8 tight barrel wraps. Finish by breaking off the excess wire instead of cutting it off with pliers to avoid a dangerously sharp tag end. This is done by twisting the tag end counterclockwise, making 1 or more circles until it breaks off.
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it takes a woman to do a mans job. Nice one Jody!
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Go look for the Dubro
Go look for the Dubro tool.
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Date Joined: 05/01/11
i may have to go down to a
i may have to go down to a proper fishing store (not BCF), buy some and ask if someone could show me the haywire twist and hope i get it.
Posts: 2154
Date Joined: 06/08/10
oceanside can help you with
oceanside can help you with that
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Date Joined: 17/01/10
Pretty easy once you know
Pretty easy once you know how to do em. The tag should really do all the work. I just use my pliers at the end to bring it in tight
Man Overboard
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Try these
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Date Joined: 05/01/11
so am i right in saying i do
so am i right in saying i do what ive done and then do the tighter 90 degree wraps at the end?
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
Did you watch the videos i
Did you watch the videos i posted for you ?
Posts: 967
Date Joined: 17/01/10
Yep, use the tag to get it
Yep, use the tag to get it tight, otherwise there is no point. By the way, what fish do you intend using this for?
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
A decent tackle store will
A decent tackle store will show you how to do a haywire twist pending theyre not mid sales rushed off their feet though sometimes they can arrange a more appropriate time and demonstrate it in a more relxed atmosphere.
Looking at a diagram is one thing, having someone to show you technique is much much better.
You actually save money when good tackleshops give advice. Its saves you going through packets of stuff trying to work it out.
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yeh should of mentioned i
yeh should of mentioned i want to use it for trolling for metro spaniards