Government funds river foreshore enhancement projects
The State Government has provided $650,000 for 13 priority local projects to improve the Swan and Canning river foreshores.
Environment Minister Donna Faragher said the Swan River Trust’s Riverbank Grants Scheme provided vital support to local and State Government land managers for priority river restoration work.
“This year, nine different Swan Canning Riverpark land managers will receive Riverbank funding for a range of foreshore restoration and protection activities addressing priority areas,” Mrs Faragher said.
“This funding will boost the capacity of land managers to improve degraded areas; mitigate erosion; enhance habitat and native vegetation; and address public amenity values and safety.
“On-the-ground works - such as weed control, revegetation and erosion control - are essential if we are to preserve our shorelines and rivers for generations to come.
“Looking after the Riverpark is a shared responsibility, and only through the collaboration of the State Government, local government and the community are these projects possible.”
2009-10 Funding Recipients
City of Armadale Revegetation and weed control at three sites on the Canning River in the City of Armadale
Town of Bassendean Erosion control, revegetation and weed control, planting of swales and fencing at Ashfield
Parade $106,938
Restoration and revegetation of Sandy Beach riverbank, foreshore and retaining wall $51,000
City of Canning Revegetation and weed control near the Canning River Eco Education Centre $10,000
Town of East Fremantle Foreshore stabilisation and revegetation $13,564
Department of Environment and Conservation Revegetation and weed control at five sites within the Canning River Regional Park: $96,600
Repairs and maintenance to river wall at Matilda Bay Reserve $22,500
Provision of controlled access, revegetation and erosion control at Milyu Reserve in the Swan Estuary $10,000
City of Fremantle Foreshore rehabilitation works in North Fremantle, including weed control, revegetation and foreshore stabilisation $20,500
City of Gosnells Revegetation and weed control at three sites on the Canning River in the City of Gosnells $30,970
City of Nedlands (through WESROC) Bank stabilisation and revegetation at Point Resolution and maintenance at other restoration sites $128,781
City of South Perth Replacement of section of river wall at Como Beach $35,225
Foreshore stabilisation and revegetation at Como Beach $82,500
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