grey nurse shark rotto
Submitted by baddog35 on Mon, 2014-01-20 07:33
Hi guys,
Does anybody have the GPS co-ords for the shark cave west end of Rotto? Me and a few friends are looking at going there in a few weeks but cant find its position anywhwere?
Also, any tips on finding exact spot when there, ie, anything on sounder to look for or depth etc?
And any advice on the dive itself? anything in particular to look for or head towards?
All info greatly appreciated and thanks in advance
Posts: 1758
Date Joined: 26/11/13
Try wa divers forum m8, they
Try wa divers forum m8, they have a dive sites section.
Posts: 149
Date Joined: 25/09/08
Turn off
If you use shark sheilds,please turn them off prior to entering the cave as it does upset the Grey Nurse.then simply turn back on when out side the cave.Diver
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
Shark cave
my opinion is its slowly dieing, dive it a few times each year. gone are the days when you could get up to 10-15 sharks in the cave, now a days its hit and miss and if they are around its one or two and they're very gets hammered now.
You should only dive west end when the swell is less than 1.5meters and any southerly wind creates killer currents that make the place dangerous if you dont make it back to the anchor for ascent.
This saturday will be ideal weather. when the weather is as good as forecast, go towards west patch and look for the cluster of boats with dive flags. When the weather is that good for diving boats flock to the cave, if you cant beat the charter boats dont expect to see a shark.
cave is 24meters deep in the hole. but above it you'll only sound around 10-13 metres. Cool cave though even if the sharks aren't there. and remember is in a sanctuary. usually some horse jumbo crays at the bottom of the hole.
Dave J.
Brock O
Posts: 3264
Date Joined: 11/01/08
Good West End advice
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
It ia amazing how many gray
It ia amazing how many gray nurse sharks are out there , We have spots out of two Rocks and there are numbers of gray nurse, most caves have them .This is because we are the only ones diving it and they are not spooked by numbers of people diving on them. They swim right up to you .Some are 8 foot long ,bloody great to see .
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 19/12/13
Thanks for all the comments
Thanks for all the comments and advise guys,
We don't use shark shields so we wont be upsetting them, if we get to see them that is!!
Good advice about the swell and winds too, thanks for that, I wasn't aware of those things being a factor but will now chose the day carefully.
And yeh like you said, if they are not there then it looks like a cool cave to dive so hopefully it will be good either way.
Thanks again for all your help