Guilderton Ray
Gday im a Long time reader first time writer,
Headed North of Perth for a good fish on thursday after work got canned early, was stoked!
Was keen for some herring and tailor action but was set on getting my first decent mulloway. Fishing around the guilderton area i got plenty of herring and tailor but no sign of a mulloway yet.
Saturday night and i was joined by a few mates. Caught a heap of herring and Tailor right on sunset. Was happy with a decent feed but still keen on catching something bigger. Hooked onto a ray that had some powerful runs but got him onto shore in about 20 mins.
The other two fellas hooked onto 3 mulloway around 30-45 cm between them. I was happy to see some mulla action even though they were small.
Not long later i was burleying up when my rod started zinging. This thing was big! Had huge powerful runs (almost to the mono backing) and i thought i may not have a chance of stopping it.
After some pretty intense runs and some hardocre arm pumping we managed to see it 20m from shore. This was a ray just playing with us. He gave us a wave with his wing and then took off towards Africa again.
More and more powerful long runs and then suddenly he turned into a rock. Just wouldnt budge at all. The other boys had had a few by now and were keen to call it a night but i wanted to get this big boy in.
After trying to get him to move for ages and some serious winching we finally saw him come though the wash. 3 hrs of sore arms back and legs was now worth it as i got to see such a beast up close. A few happy snaps (On the phone sorry about the quality and in the excitement i left me headlamp on) and some high fives we sent him on his way. An awesome feeling after a long workout!
Was using a Mako 12ft Heavy Action Spin Rod
Penn 950ssm with 50lb Fireline
10/0 hook with half a herring
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
Nice one
Would have been a good fight
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
haha nice work. there good
haha nice work. there good fun ay.
Posts: 4112
Date Joined: 24/01/10
bout time you caught
bout time you caught something bully! Bloody huge. Did you keep that remora for a feed? Haha