Hamelin bay march 2014

 Hey guys, had a phone call from my dad the other day to plan our annual fishing trip to yeagurup beach... No I have a 4.5m tinni (quintrex fish seeker) I thought we would try something a little different, I mentioned we should go to hamielin bay for two nights and try our luck there...

i was wondering if anyone has fished the area in a similar boat to mine and if you had to go far out to get onto some decent fish? Any information on the area would be great :) 

I was also considering taking cray pots down but unsure at the moment...

MandurahMatt's picture

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 I've only ever fished the

Sat, 2014-02-22 15:08

 I've only ever fished the beach there for Salmon in season. Guy I used to work with told me a few tails of big kidney slapper KG's out by the island there somewhere.! 


 Bewdey Fellaz

Swompa's picture

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I took my 3.95 Allycraft down

Mon, 2014-02-24 12:14

I took my 3.95 Allycraft down there last may. You go around one headland and there are no signs of human existance, so if you like that, you will love it. Lots of deep water just off the beach too.

DTrain's picture

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The ramp at Hamelin bay can

Mon, 2014-02-24 12:58

The ramp at Hamelin bay can be a nightmare if there's any swell around. Try to launch/retreive at high tide if you can, and don't go out if the swell is over 2 meters. You can always drive around to Augusta and launch there if it's a bit rough.

If you do a search on this site you'll be able to find some interesting stories about it. Trailers getting washed off the ramp, people getting hit by their boat and braking bones etc.

crasny1's picture

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Never launched there

Mon, 2014-02-24 15:36

AND never will. I can concur with DTrain. Camped there a few times and beach fished a lazy 50m up from the ramp. Swell on one day was about 2m, and saw 3 boats have one hell off a time getting back in. You couldnt help but to feel sorry for the guys.

Decided then never to launch there.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

carnarvonite's picture

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Mon, 2014-02-24 15:42

If you cop the right weather you will have a ball. But don't take the risk on launching if the swell is coming up because it takes a good while for the ambulance to reach there from Karridale or Augusta if something goes wrong.

Take your craypots, anywhere the other side of the island that has any sort of ledges should have crays. Salmon should be there in numbers especially up towards Boranup end of the beach, again be extra careful if there is a good swell running because the pros don't enjoy pulling people and there boats back up the beach. .

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 Thanks for the info Guys,

Mon, 2014-02-24 20:51

 Thanks for the info Guys, sounds like it can be a hairy place at times 

carnarvonite's picture

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Mon, 2014-02-24 21:02

Have a look at the info on boat ramps/ boating facilities on this site, plus old entries on Hamelin.

It can be an amazing spot but can sting you if you don't respect the conditions.

Salmon off the beach about fifty metres down to the right from the boat ramp, heaps of herring and hand feed stingrays in the afternoons on the others side of the ramp.

Swompa's picture

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Agree with the folks about

Tue, 2014-02-25 12:52

Agree with the folks about swell. We went out with 1m of swell and ended up with green water in the back of the boat as we winched it up.

My trailer can extend 3m from the car, and at times the trailer was high and dry, and then the back of the car was wet.

Pick your day and watch the weather.



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 im going netting in the

Thu, 2014-02-27 13:09

 im going netting in the mandurh estury on Wednesday night to get some fresh mullet... going to be using that for our cray pots in halelin bay... this will be my first time chasing crays so fingers crossed...


As for fishing hamelin bay is there anywhere in particular that produces decent fish? Not asking for anyones secret spots but a point in the right direction would be much appreciated :) 

Bodie's picture

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As said, Hamelin bay boat

Tue, 2014-03-04 15:50

As said, Hamelin bay boat ramp cant be an absolute nightmare.

I've been going there as a kid, and seen way too many people get hurt, too many boats being busted up. I've launched small 10ft Tinny's to my large 8m glass console, all cane be done.

If the swell is down you will be ok. Spend some time watching the ramp first, if your not comfortable don't do it. you will need a 4WD to retrieve, the ramp is very slippery.

As for crays, another one to be very careful of, even in low swell many reefs on the back of the island break, most of the reef between the cliff to the south and the island breaks too. Its very shallow. Don't pot too close the ledges if you want your pots back, lots of underwater surge and current down there, pots get stuck easily, and don't use too much excess rope.

I know that's a lot of info but its things I've been stuck with in the past.

As someone said, Salmon should be there in numbers by then, easily find some around the reefs.

If you want any specifics send me a PM, more than happy to provide some info.

Bodie's picture

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Ohh and the water between the

Tue, 2014-03-04 15:51

Ohh and the water between the island and the big rock is not that deep, (3-5m in most places) be careful there as well. :) But good fishing!

MattMiller's picture

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Tue, 2014-03-04 16:17

not if the last 3 years and the current water temps are anything to go by

Josh's picture

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 Salmon in plauge proportions

Tue, 2014-03-04 18:03

 Salmon in plauge proportions last year, if you could beat the pros with the net to it


Posts: 16

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 cheers guys... will give a

Wed, 2014-03-05 22:24

 cheers guys... will give a full report after the trip