Hapuka,Blue eye trevalla
Submitted by mightymouse on Thu, 2009-05-28 09:22
Hi guys
I have been fishing out deep lately and getting Ruby,Greyband but no Hapuka,Blue eye trevalla
Has anyone been out the back of Rotto and got Hapuka,Blue eye trevalla if so what depth do I need to be in and are they out there?
Also I have been looking at Electric Reels does anyone have one and what type do you have and are they worth the $$$
Thanks hope you can help
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 06/06/08
My old man currently owns a
My old man currently owns a Miya Epoch CX4HP..
this company makes professional electric reels for commercial fisherman.. i think they are the bet you can get..
if you are doing plenty of deepwater stuff its worth the investment.. saves your arms from winding up a sinker or small shitty fish..
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
No set depth, just try deeper. Yes an electric reel makes things easier as gitgit pointed out....i use the Daiwa Megatwin 750 Seaborg!