Have I been supplied the wrong trailer?

if the trailer tare is 450kg and the AGM is 1999kg does that mean it can leagaly carry 1549kg?

my boat has a 'dry weight' of 1850kg- does that incluse the motor? the motor weighs 215kg and the fuel tank is 180L (180kg) maybe another 100kg for esky ice beer lead etc

450+1850+215+180+100= 2695kg

Am I doing this wrong??



Posts: 5819

Date Joined: 18/01/12

yes 1549kgIf your boat has a

Wed, 2015-04-22 18:23

yes 1549kg

If your boat has a dry weight of 1850kg, that is the bare boat with motor but no fuel water or anything other than the boat itself-some include the safety gear some not.

But manufacturers often understate the weight, so you'd be advised to actually put it over the weighbridge yourself.

Does sound like you are considerably undergunned though.

If the dealer supplied it like this (recently) Id be getting onto them quicksmart


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Your doing it right

Wed, 2015-04-22 18:33

Although petrol is .75 kg/litre so you only have about 135 kg of fuel. I take it that its an unbraked tandem axle trailer. If its new and you have the manufacturers weights for the boat and motor correct I think I would be asking them the question, bear in mind that common sense would expect the owner to want to put some of his gear in the boat but they might not see it that way.

Posts: 5819

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except dry weight is complete

Wed, 2015-04-22 18:42

except dry weight is complete boat including motor (hull weight plus outboard)


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My bad

Wed, 2015-04-22 20:16

I meant to say doesn't have breakaway braking.

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

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Wed, 2015-04-22 19:31

Pretty standard for a dealer to use a smaller trailer than is really required especially when it is around the 2t mark as to go over requires electric brakes rather than the mechanical ones.
Most use the attitude of when they sold it to you it was legal eg dry weight total was just under the AGM. The fact that you need to add fuel and gear they don't take into account.
Have seen so many boats like this its not funny. Had one myself with a similar issue on my last boat and the dealer changed it after I asked if my insurance company would think they are liable if I had an accident.

Posts: 145

Date Joined: 23/04/13

 Interesting topic this one.i

Wed, 2015-04-22 19:46

 Interesting topic this one.

i have just totally rebuilt my dual axle Trailit Trailer thinking that it was rated at 1999kg but when I checked my rego papers it is only rated at 999kg probably so brakes didn't have to be fitted. Have now added  mechanical brakes which hope to get passed inspect ion next week. I got got my Baron Sportsman with DF140 and hull extension, 200 x 50mm Oregon beams glassed into it for extra strength 14 years ago when  I first purchased it, weighed at a weigh bridge today and it came in in at 1980kg with full fuel and 2 spare tyres.

so for last for 14 years I have been traversing from Exmouth to Busselton withy a trailer that was illegal, sort of guessing like quite a few others.



Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

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Wed, 2015-04-22 20:01

I think there are a lot of people in this position.
Over the school holidays in Victoria they targeted some of the boat ramps and put all the boats and trailers over a mobile weighbridge and checked ratings etc.
Plenty of people were done for overweight loads.

Saulty2's picture

Posts: 659

Date Joined: 28/05/10

had the same experience

Thu, 2015-04-23 06:34

 took it over the weigh bridge did not comply ,handed receipt over to the dealer and they installed hydraulic brakes and got it over the pits again for inspection all at no cost to me . needs to have a safety margin full of fuel and accessories 


mrwinta's picture

Posts: 457

Date Joined: 14/01/10

 Thanks for the replies... so

Thu, 2015-04-23 08:14

 Thanks for the replies... so it looks like I have an issue... I bought the boat and trailer new in February last year so 14 months ago... surely the dealer would still have to rectify the problem as they have an obligation to provide a road worthy product.


Where could I go to use a weigh bridge near rockingham? What sort of leverage can I use if they become difficult?



Saulty2's picture

Posts: 659

Date Joined: 28/05/10

the trailer does not comply

Thu, 2015-04-23 09:28

 if you ignore and have an accident especially now that you are aware you will be responsible,but yes with me they made it road worthy all at their own cost ,i had mine weighed at the tip ,its along rockingham rd. and didnt cost me anything ,suggest get pic of the tare/agg. on the trailer and attach the weigh bridge ticket give them a copy , think youll find itl all work out for you

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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14 months - would imagine

Thu, 2015-04-23 08:37

14 months - would imagine warranty possibly still covers it - if not you would want to get info re "statutory warranty" (which at 14 months would defiantly still cover it even if manufacturers warranty was 12 months) and must be "fit for purpose" - consumer affairs/fair trading would be where I'd go if no luck with the dealer.

I imagine having fuel and a bit of other gear aboard adding weight would fall under the "not fit for purpose" aspect - you can hardly be expected not to put anything in or only fuel up on water/drain tanks before trailering can you.  If your overweight you would not be legal even towing one km from the servo to the ramp so the trailer would not be fit for the intended purpose at all under those conditions.


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ranmar850's picture

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Thu, 2015-04-23 08:37

Dealers are always trying to put together the most price-competitive package, and the trailer is one place they will try to save money. Even trailer manufactureres will, in my opinion, sell you a trailer not up to the job to get the sale. I recently bought a Swiftcraft Dominator with twin 60's that is on a near- new trailer plated for 1200kg. He was told by the trailer dealer it was "right for that boat"  it'd be the lightest Dommie in the world to make that even dry. Luckily the carriage is all bolt on so I can easily convert to tandem to rectify the issue,upping it to 1800kg  and they will replate it to reflect this. And by the time it is fuelled with all gear on board, plus the camping gear, it'll be right on the new limit, no doubt.

Posts: 5819

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Dont worry about arguing over

Thu, 2015-04-23 09:02

Dont worry about arguing over how much fuel/water/fishing gear, you are just complicating it needlessly.

If the dryweight (minimum that you could make the boat weigh) puts it over as it seems to, just stick to that.

A lesson for everyone though, it is the DRIVERS obligation to ensure that they are complying on this sort of thing before pulling it out onto the road everytime.


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Vinesh87's picture

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Yep what Rob said.  Was this

Thu, 2015-04-23 09:07

Yep what Rob said.


Was this trailer a option, or just given to you as a package ?


Very annoying they can sell you a underated trailer. The price difference between a 2000kg trailer and a 3000kgs trailer is most likely about 3-4k.

mrwinta's picture

Posts: 457

Date Joined: 14/01/10

 Frustraitingly I am away (ff

Thu, 2015-04-23 09:52

 Frustraitingly I am away (ff shore) with work for another 3 weeks then I have 2 weeks before I go to steep point so I will have to ste the ball rolling via email..

Thnks for the advice guys- I will keep this post going as I find out more so others can be aware of the situation...

This was a pckage deal so I had no say on the trailer supplied and obviously I assumed this would all be fit for purpose- as anyone would...




crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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Yip, caught IMO with this.

Thu, 2015-04-23 10:00

Yip, caught IMO with this. Trailcraft 5.4 on a single axle originally. After 2 issues (one blown tyre between Kcity and Exxy in 45+deg C and a lost wheel going up Dampier Hill) asked our boat man in Karratha about his thought. He says very often the trailor is the minimum they can "get away" with. Immediately added a second row of tyres, and since then no issues.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

mrwinta's picture

Posts: 457

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 So it appears everything is

Thu, 2015-04-23 17:12

 So it appears everything is ok- for now.... I emailed the dealer who supprisingly got straight on it and came back to me with a reply from the manufacturer. 

The dry weight is infact the towing weight so as per the manufacturer- Standard boat fitout, standard motor, 20L of fuel and trailer (1750kg and not the 1850kg as per the website). Supposedly with a full tank of fuel there should still be 114.7kg for extras..

We shall see as I still intend on weighing it for my own piece of mind... if its not correct then I will go back to them...


Thanks for the responses...



mrwinta's picture

Posts: 457

Date Joined: 14/01/10

 So it appears everything is

Thu, 2015-04-23 17:13

 So it appears everything is ok- for now.... I emailed the dealer who supprisingly got straight on it and came back to me with a reply from the manufacturer. 

The dry weight is infact the towing weight so as per the manufacturer- Standard boat fitout, standard motor, 20L of fuel and trailer (1750kg and not the 1850kg as per the website). Supposedly with a full tank of fuel there should still be 114.7kg for extras..

We shall see as I still intend on weighing it for my own piece of mind... if its not correct then I will go back to them...


Thanks for the responses...



Posts: 15

Date Joined: 11/09/13

 I think the new laws coming

Thu, 2015-04-23 18:09

 I think the new laws coming in for chain of responsibility  would mean that the owner or manager of the retailer plus the person that put the boat on the  trailer would be equally liable and this is something that i would be using to get the trailer that is suited to the boat