
went down yesterday before lunch. first cast resulted in a 28.5cm tailor that was really thick. the whiting were biting big time and along with some skippy we got some great bait. had a live skippy out and had two runs on it. first run resilted in a headless remains of my skippy and the next cast it resulted in no skippy left. it was a 26cm one aswell so it woulda been a fair sized fish or stingy. left rueben fishing. howd ya go?


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

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nothing after you left but I

Mon, 2008-10-27 16:40

nothing after you left but I didn't stay for much longer after that

im guna be down ther one afternoon til late this w.e so i can get into some more tailor


dont forget the eagle ray landed that day aswell

rays are haunting hilarys these days


i just wanna point out something that really annoys me

a school of baby pinkys cruised past and a few of us landed em and chucked em back of course!

but then you have people who have no clue who keep everything

this one guy kept a pinky and a local fisho said to him mate chcuk it back you cant keep that and it took him ages to get it through his head the guy had to make it so clear to him before he threw it back, they are mainly tourists etc and immigrants (not meaning to offend anyone sorry if I did) but yeah some know they are doing the wrong thing i have heard of some using six hooks inside the marina keeping dozens of juvi pinkys and it makes me really angry cos heres all us doing our best to preserve the stocks of these fish and theres them keeping little baby specimen. I strongly advise anyone who sees this to get them to throw them back or if its a lot more serious numbers of this call fish watch or whatever its called

just makes me really angry

sorry to get all emotional there boys haha




Leemo's picture

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did callum get anything? im

Mon, 2008-10-27 16:46

did callum get anything? im goin down on saturday cos of good wheather. yeah i must agree with rueben there. i was gonna call fishwatch if they kept any more


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

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not sure havnt spoken to

Mon, 2008-10-27 17:00

not sure havnt spoken to him


ye ill be ther sat morning

tommo77's picture

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good to hear

Mon, 2008-10-27 17:26

hillarys tailor is firing!

unclestu if you see this we must go down on a saturday for some!

Colin Hay's picture

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That is real disappointing they are keeping the Pinkies

Mon, 2008-10-27 17:40

NHext time tell them there is a fisheries guy coming. I am sure they will understand then.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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what were u guys using?

Mon, 2008-10-27 17:41

what were u guys using? every time i head down come home empty bucket!

schecky's picture

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um yeasterday we were using

Mon, 2008-10-27 18:05

um yeasterday we were using cut up skippy but go for prawns and a traditional paternoster whiting rig with little gar hooks and you should catch a few.


yeah they are definitely coming out to play now

might go down ther friday night with the chop and try my luck


ye and thats a good idea colin, might have to try that one next time



Leemo's picture

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we were using fresh skippy

Mon, 2008-10-27 18:08

we were using fresh skippy caught that day. small peices with skin on will last you around five casts. casting and retriving mulies were resulting in tailor and skippy. go saturday morning cos thats wen they were biting


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

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ye im guna go friday night

Mon, 2008-10-27 18:17

ye im guna go friday night aswelll

im a junkie that is all i do hahaha

Leemo's picture

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get a 2kg bag of mulies if

Mon, 2008-10-27 18:28

get a 2kg bag of mulies if ya staying a long time. u gotta get more line onto ur reel by the way cos if a ray takes it, ull get spooled


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

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ye got a diff reel on now

Mon, 2008-10-27 18:33

ye got a diff reel on now and spooled it with 30lb

i dont have a big spool reel thats works well lying round though so i did the best i could

lets just hope a ray doesn't touch it

jus's picture

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hey guys whereabouts in

Mon, 2008-10-27 21:08

hey guys whereabouts in hillaries are u talking about?? i never get anything in hillaries!!

do u fish north wall, south wall or in the marina?

were u casting far out? im assuming not?

what about your livie? on a sinker?

Cheers guys - thinking about going in the morning now after reading this! 

otoshi's picture

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SOI, Reub.... i wanna join u

Mon, 2008-10-27 21:24

SOI, Reub.... i wanna join u guys on sat if possible. but whats the minimum weight in line to push into the reel? i currently have 4lb in my spinning out fit and 6lb on my overhead. all advice welcome.

Leemo's picture

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we fish the disabled

Tue, 2008-10-28 06:47

we fish the disabled platform. otoshi u dont need to ask if ya wanna come along. ur always welcome. 4lb is extremely light line and i struggle with a 25cm on 6lb on my spinning gear. on my bigger stuff i use 30lb mono and 50lb leader. i use anything for a livie skippy, whiting, herring yellowtail. yellowtail is the best bait for sure. i use a size 4 snapper sinker. casting far outish. just a suitable size sinker to take the bait out and ur good. u dont really need a minimum in line but i use 12lb as a standard leader. because i once hooked up to a stingy on 6lb line and it was all over red rover.... teachers me for using mulies pffft.


bludgin' since 94'

otoshi's picture

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Thank SOI, i'll swap out

Tue, 2008-10-28 10:56

Thank SOI, i'll swap out both lines and put in a 6 for the spinning and a 12 for the overhead. see u guys there this sat. and hopefully Mr Colin will pop by to give us a pointer or two to cast the overhead right. heehee~Smile

brenz's picture

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otoshi 4lb is fine we have a

Tue, 2008-10-28 11:27

otoshi 4lb is fine we have a blast on 4lb mate keeps the sport in it 2 not to long back i landed some monster tarwhine there with another sight member on the 4 lb ... not much goes harder than them .


"BIT SQUIT LAH" commin to a ramp near you

The Tackle shack, for

Colin Hay's picture

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Just make sure you have some solid leader in case they try to

Tue, 2008-10-28 11:39

run you under the rocks Otoshi.
Not sure if I can get there this Saturday Otoshi. I will let you guys know.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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otoshi's picture

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Thank for the tip Mr Colin.

Tue, 2008-10-28 16:10

Thank for the tip Mr Colin. 20lb as leader for both the spin and the o/h. i always seem to forget about that and put something lighter then the main as leader to prevent the main from breaking.

jersey's picture

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Taking undersize

Tue, 2008-10-28 17:43

Well done with the fish you caught,I wish I was still as keen.and good on you for the way you respect the fishing code,should be more of it. As for the people taking the undersize fish,give the fisheries a call and ask them why no one is down there to over view the goings on.jersey

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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i have only seen them there

Tue, 2008-10-28 17:50

i have only seen them there twice in six months and they didnt even check the buckets!!!!


bludgin' since 94'

Smoothie's picture

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Tue, 2008-10-28 19:36

Throw The Fisherman in the water Along with the undersized Fish. Works.

schecky's picture

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yeah i will next time makes

Tue, 2008-11-04 20:11

yeah i will next time

makes my blood boil


yeah otoshi if i am there on saturday ill deff join ya

and you dont have to ask mate we always welcome everyone

and wed be happy to help ya in anyway to help ya land afew

last weekend was crap but hopefully itll pick up this time

with the line class it depends on the quality of the line aswell

good quality 4lb braid will be fine except watch out for the rocks cos they will destroy your braid

but bad 4lb mono will give you a hard time, mono's like the lo stretch platypus one are good for the rocks and i use trilene which does the job just fine for me

dont get daiwa sealine, i have it and do not like it at all, has insane stretch


so take a flick rod with a paternoster with 2 or 3 hooks down to a small star sinker with pieces of shellled prawn willl never send you home fishless

the best line class would be a minimum of 4 to a maximum of about 10

if you use braid you could easily go down to 4

just remember to watch for the rocks with braid



then on a bigger rod chuck on paternoster with gangs or snells of about 2/0 to 4/0

I find 3/0 is most efficient with about 30-50lb leader

down to a heavier star sinker

i have 25lb line on my big rod and works a treat

 as SOI said any bread and butter fish you catch chuck on but the most potent are mulies and do well with tailor on the bite

another thing to try is 1/0 or 2/0 gangs with baby mulies

they work a treat aswell


 so get out ther n giv some stuff a go

just experiment and u never know


i might not be there on sat as i might be boating it but i'll see




otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

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bro, u got me wrong. that

Wed, 2008-11-05 18:44

bro, u got me wrong. that post was like a week ago.

i'm going home this sat. no more fishing for me till feb 2009.


still thanks for the detail advice on the lines to use.


schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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no probs haha

Thu, 2008-11-06 20:15

no probs haha

Liam the Fish's picture

Posts: 14

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anyone go down today? if so,

Sat, 2008-11-08 16:02

anyone go down today?

if so, catch anything good?

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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I did there was bugger all

Sat, 2008-11-08 16:44

I did

there was bugger all actually biting

but mullet or something like that jumping left right and centre

callum's picture

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Mon, 2008-11-10 14:54

i went down on sunday arvo with chirs

same again but firtst cast of a lure i picked up in modern fishing got me a juvenile salmon.  my first one as well :> 



happy fishing

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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somethings goin on down at

Mon, 2008-11-10 17:58

somethings goin on down at hilarys at the moment haha

a lot of action

guna be ther this sat


ive got the hang of baitcaster casting now

so ill bring my baitcaster and stuff and i bought a new twisty today and chucked 6lb fireline with some mono backing on the baitcaster and will come have a chuck at hils on sat

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

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The best slice i have used

Tue, 2008-11-11 22:58

The best slice i have used as of yet is the halco streamer, it stays on surfact or just below and when it hits surface it creates bubbles behind it, had alot of action from tailor on them and my favourite choice of slice. the bubbles are supposed to immitate a fleeing baitfish and the red streamer crap is like blood.  


You couln't wipe that grin fom my face even with a hammer.