Hillarys 12-6 Noob report

Well, I got out there a bit after 5am and stuck with it til about 8:30.

I was on the south wall fishing near the reef.

 Not much to report.  Caught heaps of herring on my light rod.  Caught three skippy, that were all fairly small and all returned to grow bigger.  They were a treat on that light tackle!  Caught a few gardies, and would have caught more if I'd been using smaller hooks I reckon.  I kept a few herring and gardies, to hopefully use as bait tomorrow when I go offshore.

Absolutely nothing on the bigger rod that I had baited with a full mulie.

I do have to share one hilarious, hard to believe story.

On arrival, I dropped the berley in, baited the big rod and cast it out to drift while I rigged the smaller rod.  Once it was rigged, I checked the big rod and found it was snagged on the bottom. Bugger!  I couldn't get it loose, so I broke the line losing my 3 red snelled hooks.  I re-rigged, this time with a sinker and sent it out.  About an hour later I hooked a skippy on my light rod and fought him up to the groyne, where he wrapped me around a rock and busted off.  I re-rigged the light rod and kept fishing.  About 15min. after that, I got a bite on the big rod, but then it went slack.  I figured I should check the bait, so I began to reel it in.  It seemed extra heavy as I brought it in, but I honestly didn't think too much about it.

Imagine my surprise when I brought it up out of the water to find, my sinker and ganged mulie, tangled with my 3 red snelled hooks, tangled with a small skippy still hooked to a length of my 3kg line!!! Surprised

I SO wish I'd had a camera for y'all to see it!  I had to laugh.  The skippy still seemed in good shape, so I took him off and returned him to the water, then bent to look at the snag.  It was such a mess, I just cut the line above the swivel and chucked the whole mess in my tackle to be sorted out later!  I have never seen anything like that before! If you've got a story like that, I'd love to hear it.


Elora Danan's picture

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Fishing Hillary's!

Thu, 2008-06-12 09:53

Good report too, Eddie. Must be a fun morning. Never had that sort of incident though before but I have hooked onto someone elses rig that go buggered on the rocks. I got my self a free sinker and swivel.

Were the Gardies big mate?

Cheers lads,

Darda. H



Colin Hay's picture

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Great stuff Eddie

Thu, 2008-06-12 10:22

Sounds like you had a bit of fun.
I have seen a similar situation to what you described with your snag anbd have heard of people pulling in fishing rods that were pulled out to sea by fish. I am sure there are lots of good stories that people have to share.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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Dreamweaver's picture

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Good report Eddie...gear

Thu, 2008-06-12 10:38

A good report Eddie - getting your gear (and fish) back was fortunate to say the least! Yup, have retreived (and lost) tons of gear over the years. Can't recall (at the moment) any real funny stories though.

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Neander's picture

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This season salmon fishing

Thu, 2008-06-12 11:49

This season salmon fishing at Hamlin bay.

One of the crew lost a rig after a bust off on a salmon, only to have his mate snag the sinker on busted off rig with the salmon still attached two mins later.

Very funny stuff.

hlokk's picture

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We lost a length of braided

Thu, 2008-06-12 11:59

We lost a length of braided line, so the skipper wanted to go over the area to see if he could catch it back up. I didnt think it was possible as the line would be thin and inline with the current (you'd need your rig perpendicular to the line), but sure enough in a few drifts we picked it up. Seemed like a needle in a haystack.

Though, more amazingly, the same skipper and my dad were both hooked up to fish, and when they got it to the surface, they found out it was the same fish. Greedy bugger took one then the second, and stayed connected to two lines through the whole fight. Sizeable Dhuie i think it was.


Eddie: its not uncommon for someone to pull up their lost rig, but to have the busted off fish attached to it is quite a feat, well done


Always interested in someone to go fishing with

Leemo's picture

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ive seen that happen a few

Thu, 2008-06-12 19:37

ive seen that happen a few times. i was told that some guy down at palm beach hooked up to a bonito and got busted off moments later only to be snagged up on another guys line and he pulled it in. an expensive lure back to the first guy and a nice bontio to the second guy. also happened up north. my dad was beach fishing and there were some indegenous people handlining. dad pulled up a handline spooled with 100kg line and opne of the guys said he had hooked up to something big and he took his hand off the handline that was attached to his chair. he knocked the reel off to see it go flying towards the horizon.


bludgin' since 94'

Reel Addiction's picture

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double header of 15kg mullys

Thu, 2008-06-12 19:39

was fishin up behind the islands in canarvon with my mate fishin with a 100Lb hand line n i was on a 50Lb overhead. he hooked up n so did i, just to realise that i had a mulloway and so did he but his fish also took my second bait on my rig. so how i still managed to pull in his fish and mine at the same time with him still tryin to bring his up, got me ay haha.

fab's picture

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Lucky mate..

Thu, 2008-06-12 20:15

Was fishing in the swan river for bream a while ago with my mate. Had no luck for ages. Anyway, my mate,( who always seems to be lucky,) pulls up a 1kg bream tangelled on a previous line, (what are the chances!!!!).



 He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail.

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gd effort eddie so u didnt

Thu, 2008-06-12 20:16

gd effort eddie so u didnt get into any of the pinkys?

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Ive got one for you

Thu, 2008-06-12 20:39

Check out the vid called "Commodore Crew Classic Catch"Wink


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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eddie's picture

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thx for all the great

Fri, 2008-06-13 00:45

thx for all the great stories!

no matty, didn't get into any pinkies.  might give it a another go next week and see if I can get amongst them.  I'm still gunning for my first ever pinkie!