hillarys today

headed down to hillary's after i finished work, 


i joined SOI and Reub and according to them it was a very slow day with only a few whiting.

 the lack of fish continued until about 6:30 and then with alot of burley and oil the fish came out to play.  A few nice skippy landed and a small flat head as well as the usual whiting.


How'd everyone else go?



happy fishing

original teenage's picture

Posts: 1024

Date Joined: 09/07/07

good to hear that hilaries

Sat, 2008-11-01 20:05

good to hear that hilaries is still producing a feed...cheers for the report

Liam the Fish's picture

Posts: 14

Date Joined: 14/10/08

was down there for a couple

Sat, 2008-11-01 20:35

was down there for a couple of hours and got some herring and whiting of some whitebait

otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

Date Joined: 02/09/08

wow! u guys r good. really

Sat, 2008-11-01 23:00

wow! u guys r good. really need to learn from your guys.

was up there from 4am till about 2pm but all i caught

was weed and a cold.

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

it died off after u l;eft

Sun, 2008-11-02 07:59

it died off after u l;eft callum. i stayed around till about 9ish and got nothing. not even andy got anyhting. some uy did pick pick up an undersize tailor tho

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

im goin down today for a

Sun, 2008-11-02 08:13

im goin down today for a fish aswell so i hope they are there

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

ye was crap yeasterday hope

Sun, 2008-11-02 08:44

ye was crap yeasterday

hope its good for you today liam

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

dont forget the

Sun, 2008-11-02 09:05

dont forget the skippy!!!!!

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

woweee haha find a way to

Sun, 2008-11-02 09:15

woweee haha

find a way to mindarie today! lol

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

im checking transperth

Sun, 2008-11-02 09:21

im checking transperth journey planner know and i can get there but itll take me like 2 hours and then id have to get home

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

worth a go u shud be

Sun, 2008-11-02 09:34

worth a go u shud be aight

leave now n ill be down at 2

why cnt ur dad giv ya a lift

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

looks like ill see you down

Sun, 2008-11-02 09:55

looks like ill see you down there this arvo!!!!!!! convinced my dad to take me.

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

ahhhh sick man ill be down

Sun, 2008-11-02 09:57

ahhhh sick man

ill be down ther round 2.30

original teenage's picture

Posts: 1024

Date Joined: 09/07/07

how did you's go? FISHINGS

Sun, 2008-11-02 18:59

how did you's go?


otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

Date Joined: 02/09/08

ya guys, did the fish came

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:08

ya guys, did the fish came out to play today? Smile

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

bugger all SOI hooked up to

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:19

bugger all

SOI hooked up to something massive...most likely a ray

almost spooled him on 30-40lb line and he then cut the line on his alvey be4 it spooled him n pulled him in haha

but yeah very quiet

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

yeah..... hows callum after

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:26

yeah..... hows callum after the incident with the hooks? serves you right for chucking around a 10 gram lure on your overhead..... i estimate the ray to be close to 30kg and he was like a freight train. off to the shop for me to get some more line. i had him locked up for about 5 minutes altogether and he was struggling to take line but then my hand slipped and smacked my knuckles on the alvey handles as they were spinning. my back is still killing me

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

original teenage's picture

Posts: 1024

Date Joined: 09/07/07

how much line did ya have on

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:29

how much line did ya have on ur spool?and how much drag pressure
were u using?

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

hahah hes such a drama

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:30

hahah hes such a drama queen

my step mum pulled it out and he was fine

some people just need to toughen up to my standards hahaha

but its all good

ye he was stupid to do that, i personally think its a terrible idea to be using your overhead at the rocks in the first place but his choice

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

he haqd bout 300m of 30lb no

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:33

he haqd bout 300m of 30lb

no drag on that alvey its hand drag

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

i had just over 300 meters

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:36

i had just over 300 meters of line on it. there is no drag on my alvey just anti reverse stopper. hand apllied drag pressure and it hurts so i use a glove

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

someone informed me that it

Sun, 2008-11-02 19:52

someone informed me that it was possibly a sambo but i soon dismissed that.

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 30/05/08

where were u lot fishing

Sun, 2008-11-02 20:24

where were u lot fishing ........ i need to find a fish that can pull back

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

just casting straight out

Sun, 2008-11-02 20:31

just casting straight out from the tip of the bigger wall with a whole skippy.

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

Date Joined: 02/09/08

what happened to callum?

Sun, 2008-11-02 22:39

what happened to callum? hooked himself on the head? is he alright? been to the Doc yet? sounds like u had fun.

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

nah the leg with a treble

Mon, 2008-11-03 15:57

nah the leg with a treble and the barb went right in.

my step mums a nurse she got it out just fine

hes all goodWink

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

we were craking up so much

Mon, 2008-11-03 16:24

we were craking up so much and hes just standing there swearing his head off. we tried to get it out with pliers but it didnt budge

formerly Irish

take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!


bludgin' since 94'

otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

Date Joined: 02/09/08

OUCH!!! but i guess it gotta

Mon, 2008-11-03 20:13

OUCH!!! but i guess it gotta be funny when u r by the side watching. but how did he get it on the leg? normally it should be the ear or the back of the head.

back in Singapore, we dont have a limit on the amount of hooks on a line and this guy had like 6 - 7 really micro hooks. he was fishing for bait i guess, and when he cast, his lead just snap off and the line of hooks wrap around his face and head, and i remember seeing one when through his ear like a ear start. the weird thing was there was no blood come out... saw him packed up his stuff and went off with those hooks hanging out there..

he is one tough guy i tell yah.

original teenage's picture

Posts: 1024

Date Joined: 09/07/07


Mon, 2008-11-03 20:22

lol..haha..sometimes,..its just unlucky...but oh well...fishing is fishing...no pain ,no gain...he'll learn his lesson from that day on i guess


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

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hooks through ears

Mon, 2008-11-03 20:53

happened to me once painfull but no blood i just cut the line and pushed it right through,ones in the legs hurt tho





"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

Date Joined: 02/09/08

but there was too no blood

Tue, 2008-11-04 19:41

but there was too no blood coming out from his face or head where there were hooks. is that normal? or the blood only comes out after u yank out the hook?

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

a hook in the ear could be a

Tue, 2008-11-04 15:30

a hook in the ear could be a new fashion soon haha the newest earring!

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

seen people wearing them

Tue, 2008-11-04 18:12

seen people wearing them through the nose(no barb)



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

callum's picture

Posts: 417

Date Joined: 29/10/08

my battle wound

Tue, 2008-11-04 19:34

i learnt a lesosn thats for sure,  shit it hurrts gettign a treble through youur leg

 n it hurts even more when you got reuben saying your gunan ahev to walk faster , i had a lure in my leg for gods sake. maybe i will fish with crushed barbs asthe thing wouldn't come out

 i must admit i got a good laugh n let off a few swear words when it happened, pitty we didn't get a happy snap, great kodak moment



happy fishing

otoshi's picture

Posts: 426

Date Joined: 02/09/08

hope u recover soon.

Tue, 2008-11-04 19:40

hope u recover soon. Laughing

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

arghhh your just a

Tue, 2008-11-04 19:57

arghhh your just a sissy


jokes :)

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

Thats why i recommend

Tue, 2008-11-04 20:05

Thats why i recommend carrying 300ml of wild turkey. Essential! 


You couln't wipe that grin fom my face even with a hammer.