How much is Too much!

Wally from Western Angler took this picture on the weekend from one of the Charter boats from Hillaries.. Considering quite a few punters had already left and taken their catch, this is what was left.. Consider each of these fish are 12 years old..

Personally I think thats way too much and it makes me sick to see so many fish, more than likely go to waste.. 2-3 fish each is more than enough, even if you are feeding a family and none of them have been bled.. Bit of a disgrace really, what do you think?

How much is Too much!


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poida's picture

Posts: 234

Date Joined: 08/08/05

Yep, our kids will have very

Mon, 2005-11-21 19:20

Yep, our kids will have very little to fish for in the future. I though that bag/boat limits would stop the pillage.  Is there no limit on the amount of fish caught on charters????? Imagine fishing with no fish!

Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2005-11-22 08:57

Yeh, if thats just one example of what they are pulling out, imagine all the different operations and what they are catching each trip, especially if they go back and hit the same grounds.. When we take that much fish out of one system, it surely begs the question as to how sustainable it really is?

If we keep fishing like we are, there will come a time when theres fishing with no fish.. Its a gaurantee..


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solly's picture

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bloody disgrace

Tue, 2005-11-22 09:22

This is the sort of pillage that turns me off some charters,there is no guilt or common decency in the boat that took these .As you said no fish bled and some punters have already taken there fish the rest will probaly used for fish cakes because they wont be worth eating ,not happy jan

just proves that most of us that do the right thing carry the wankers that dont.


There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
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Tue, 2005-11-22 10:38

disgrace yes it is, but think about it, how many people on board and how many( is it ?) Skippy per person 8, so realy by law they are with in their limit's, but still not a good idea to have it like that in public view. Looks like over kill. 1 would feed my family for the night.

TT ( karl )

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Tue, 2005-11-22 22:59


If thats how they feel about conservation of fish stocks!!

gribbo's picture

Posts: 56

Date Joined: 19/07/05

Not nice!!!

Wed, 2005-11-23 16:58

Totally agree, even though by law they are well within their rights these fish would have looked much nicer in a live photo with their respevtive angler before being returned to fight another day a couple of skippy of this size is enough and i dare say a lot of these fish will probably go to pets. I think this  circumstance shows that maybe boat limits instead of per angler limits should be applied, especially to certain species. Whata ya recon??

funkybunch's picture

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Poor form

Wed, 2005-11-23 22:12

I see absolutely no point in taking so many of this or any other species for that matter.  What is the point of taking so many of this species when from my experience they don't freeze well nor even qualify as a "neighbours fish." 

But.... before we all crucify the charter boat operaterator last time I checked the option to keep the fish was with the angler unless of coarse the fish was under size. I'm not saying that this is the situation here..... but there are many punters out there that expect a lot for the $150 it costs for a charter out of Perth so the operators are under pressure to produce.

Perhaps a lack of education and ultimate responsibility for the bag taken here?

bakerzinc's picture

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hmmm looks bad but

Wed, 2005-11-23 22:19

I went out with some friends and we all bagged on Macks then almost bagged on reefies too. The photo looked similar to this but when you break it down we all took a good feed home ( I ended up with 19kg of fillets) and no laws were broken. We havent done this well since and the freezer has long since been emptied. Its all relative. I am sure the fish didnt go to waste. I know of some operators that donate thier catch to retirement homes etc. Its a shame that people go out and catch these fish and dont want them when they get back. I wish I was there to grab a few. My boat rules are You catch it, you clean it, you keep it. If you don t want it throw it back.

I only work to support my fishing habit

gribbo's picture

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Fri, 2005-11-25 21:16

Having worked on a charter boat i respect the pressure put on skipper and crew to produce fish, but as the deckhand i was required to gut and gill e.g bleed. all fish that were to be taken home to maintain maximum quality (especially for freezing), it appears none of these fish have receiced the same attention. I am wondering if they are in need a good deckhand???. From past experience i know that skippy isnt really a freezer fish, i think its a pitty the skipper didnt relocate for other species after getting a few as i know they are a schooling fish out deep, perhaps being a bit lazy and taking the easy way out....................?