Jetovator - High Speed trolling perhaps?
Submitted by Buz on Mon, 2012-06-18 11:19
Seeing jet skis, once the realm of water based rev heads, are now being used more and more as fishing craft i wonder if there will ever be a fishing application for these :) hahahahaha
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Hey Buz we are going to
Hey Buz we are going to Florida next year and they have a similar thing in a jet pack you can hire.....woohoo I'm gonna fly
Love the West!
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Yeah i remember seeing the
Yeah i remember seeing the jetpack one on youtube a while ago. Looks absolutly insane. I couldnt even begin to imagine what it would feel like flying around like that. Not to mention then being able to dive underwater and porpoise out!!!!! Crazy. You'll have to get some pics and vid footage of when you do it and post it up. Definitly be something i would like to try one day.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Looks like fun but maybe just
Looks like fun but maybe just something to tease the great whites with and make them jump a little higher......... hehe.
(Not meaning to put you off sea-kem)
What's with the whale thingy in the background (is that to distract the sharks perhaps).
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Might be this whale
Might be this whale thingy?