Jigging for YTK
Submitted by jayce on Sun, 2013-08-11 02:00
Hi All
Just wondering if anyone does much jigging for YTK in W.A. I am planning on heading down south to try my luck next break providing the weather is freindly.
Just chasing a bit of info on what depths are good to start looking and what jigs are working for people on kings?
I have 3 jig setups i can use.
1st is a Jig Master three kings pe 1.5-4 with a Stella 5000.
2nd is a Extreme Fishing WA pe 3-5 with a Tyrnos 30. Bit heavy but does the job
3rd is a Shimano t-curve deep jig 500 with a Spheros 14000.
Now i just need some jigs for them. I have a heap of demersal jigs under 200gm but nothing really heavier than that.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Cheers Jayce
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
Hey mate,
I'm a long way from experienced on the kings but have jigged them as a bycatch while targetting Samson. I use a Jigging master three kings the same as you have with a Saltiga 4000H and have seen them hit anything from small plastics to 300g jigs.
Lots of guys get them on the troll around west end and I know of guys down south getting them on stickbaits around the offsore wash.
I think the retrieve should be typically slower than the samson Jig but Im sure many methods will work.
Good luck
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 10/12/11
Cheers for that mate. i guess
Cheers for that mate. i guess i will just throw what ever i got at them then and hope for the best.
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 12/12/10
Hey mate, I caught my Kings
Hey mate,
I caught my Kings off Eden in NSW. They were merely rats but I notice they love speed. Long el cheapo knife jigs will work on them and the trick is speed. They just couldn't help themselves.
So what you use on Samson will probably work on Kings. However, king of the same size will pull a samson backwards so beware.
Use anything from 150g -300g depending on depths and current.