Junior Landbased Entry 18kg Mulloway Narrows bridge-Flangies SOR =p

Ok we made it to the narrows around 8:20 pm where we started using dead scalies and boney herring as slab bait and soaked them well. After a few hours we tried our luck on tailor with some lures and SPs to much success, about 10 30cm-40cm Tailor and many smaller ones aswell.

I chucked out a live tailor about 30cm in size just left on the bridge where i suspected a drop off and continued to fish for tailor on SPs. At about 12:30am (rising tide) the two other fisherman with us informed me that my rod was going bezerk.. So i ran to it, slowly lifted my rod.. Waited, waited.. Then a slow run.. I tightened my drag, leaned back and closed my eyes.

30 minutes later i had landed an 18kg 130cm Mulloway.

Removed the hooks, took a few photos and bled it for home.

The rig i was using was Rovex 7500 running 30lb platil to a 60lb jinkai leader with two snelled 7/0 Gama circles.

Photos to be put up later tonight.

Thanks To original teenage for jumping in the water (shoes on) and picking up my fish :)

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

Date Joined: 13/11/06

well done mate

Sat, 2008-11-15 07:41

well done mate


Bring on April

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2008-11-15 21:39

Onya flangies and OT, a catch to remember!


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