Just Back from Exmouth Land Based

Hi all,

Just got back to Singapore from over a week of land-based fishing in Exmouth. Didn't get what I was after (GT), but the fishing was great so no complaints. Travelled alone but met great company along the way from all over the world. Everyone has been extremely friendly and helpful and you bet I will be back there again to burn another hole in my pocket.

Had to drive from Exmouth to Perth, catch a flight back to Singapore and go straight to work, so am a bit knackered now. Gonna take some zzzzzs and will get a more detailed report out in a bit with some pics.

What size pics should I upload? You guys prefer few high quality pics or many low rez pics?


My camera ran flat a couple of days so no pics of some outstanding fishing. I must have dropped the camera at least a dozen times so luckily i had it strapped to a bungee. Lost my $40 pliers like four times - managed to miraculously find it again sometimes hours later - taped a glow stick so I wouldn't lose it for good. And it was particularly difficult trying to land snapping fish and staying balanced on the rocks while watching the waves at the same time, so thanks to the guys on this forum who warned me about doing Quobba solo.

I was told that this is the quiet season and the fishing is better in the summer, but I liked it nice and quiet and would not consider going back to Exmouth during the busy season. At one site in the Reserve, there was only one spot available during one of the weekend nights - can't imagine the peak season. Most of the caravan parks were pretty empty so I could decide at the spur of the moment if I wanted to just show up for the night. Also, it was really windy a couple of days, so that gave my feet time to heal. They got pretty badly cut up and sore from abrasion - a lot of walking, and my hands were cut up from handling all the prickly fish. Of the 8 days spent fishing, 2 days came up scratch.

So I did not get any REALLY REALLY big fish, but I got plenty of game on light tackle. I would have done a lot better on bait, but this was primarily a luring trip, baiting only for shark - though I did get a few on poppers on 16-20lbs tackle, which was an absolute ball.

Some of the species I managed to get:

Coral trout - various types some kept changing colour
Trevally - various types and sizes but unfortunately no GT
Baldchin garoupa
Various types of wrasse and reef fish
Spangled or Longnose - i can't really tell the diff
Queenfish - big and small
Barracuda - freak sizes
Squid, octo and cuttlefish
Bream - freeflow
A million flies of the biting and non-biting variety, all extremely irritating especially when mixed with coffee

I'm sure I have not mentioned some of the rest.

In addition, I managed to see maybe bonefish (could be whiting on steroids), permit, bait balls, nesting turtles, various weird birds, kangaree, bunch of different reptiles and the whole dune community,
I did see LARGE GTs but they would not take lures though I'm certain they would have taken bait. I also saw large fish swim past but refrained from tossing out lures as some places it would be impossible to land the fish without causing it damage or putting myself at risk of falling in. I found releasing and reviving large sharks especially challenging on my own at night, so cut off the really big ones once they were close enough even though I use circle hooks, it was a lot of work.

Numerous bust offs, especially on large hard-bodied minnows. I ended up using 80lbs bite guard even on the light rig as i was loosing too many lures. 2nd day out I lost 7 poppers alone. Went back into town to burn another hole in my pocket. Lost various other lures the next couple of days, but ended the trip with over a kilo of GT poppers still intact. With the sharks I started out with 40lbs cable, but they only last 40 seconds, went up to 80 and they last maybe 80 seconds, finally settled on 200lbs doubled over and fused together making it 400lbs - didn't lose any more sharks.

Not forgetting to mention thanks to some very specific people.

Brian and Jenny at Bluewater
Rusty and company at Exmouth tackle for the wind report
All the wonderful people traveling through Australia

Tim and Dave for pulling me out of the sand and for showing me how to drive a van the aussie way. Also for directing me into the sand pit in the first place!!! Thanks for sharing the spot (came with a confidentiality clause) - but if you walk up from the Gulf and back down the west side, you'll find it - spent 2 days fishing that spot and got my best fishing there. Will look up you friend Allen when I need a 4wd next time round.

The attached pics are just some that I managed to capture on the camera. There isn't a way to describe watching the sunset on your left and the moon rising on your right, then having a turtle crawl right past you.

Had a wonderful time and this would be one trip I would do on my own again.

Posts: 9358

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I tend to work with 800x600

Tue, 2009-12-08 15:01

I tend to work with 800x600 pics, anyting bigger than that and they distort the page too much.

Cmon, lets see some pics =)


hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Good to hear you got into

Tue, 2009-12-08 15:02

Good to hear you got into some good fish. Look forward to the report. I think if you upload to FW, it scales to 640x480 ish (though if you remove the ".preview" part you can link them larger). 800x600 is fine as Jamie said. Imageshack has a multiple upload option so you can just highlight multiple images at a time (and it can resize for you and provide the code)

Posts: 1676

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good photos mate cheers danno

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:03

good photos mate

cheers danno

mako magic's picture

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somre great pics there mate,

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:04

somre great pics there mate, well done, looks like you had a ball.

scrolled down the pics and thought omg, its huggy's twin brother lol

Bluebonefamily's picture

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Hey Desmond looks like you

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:12

Hey Desmond looks like you had a good time and the photos are great.  That shark would have been an awsome catch.


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desmond's picture

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Tue, 2009-12-08 23:30

Ooooo the sharks were an absolute ball. Had some that were as long as I am tall. I had 7 big ones in a row one night. Was dripping in perspiration at the end of the session and only stopped because I ran out of bait. I didn't carry ice so I'd have to fish for bait every time i wanted to catch shark.

SamC's picture

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Nice mate.. Those bigger

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:18

Nice mate..

Those bigger brassie's would have been fun!

Whats in the pic of the school of fish? milkys?




desmond's picture

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bait ball

Tue, 2009-12-08 23:25

Not sure what they were. Either milkys or mullet. They were over in Osprey bay, kept in the shallows by a school of large dolphin that were just on the other side of the reef.

soupster51's picture

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Top few days

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:22

Nice work mate. Great solo photos. Looks like you had a ball.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

DazSamFishing's picture

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Nice work mate. Would have

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:38

Nice work mate. Would have been a fun adventure for you. Great solo effort. Gotta love Exmouth.

Adam Gallash's picture

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nice work

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:39

Nice work Desmond, sorry I wasn't around to get you out on the boat, maybe next trip. :)  Looks like you had a good time, pity about the flies, they've only just started to get bad.


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desmond's picture

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Next time

Tue, 2009-12-08 23:34

No worries mate, thanks for offering. I think it was also pretty windy. Chatted up some guys coming back to Bugendi ramp on 2 seperate boats and they said they also drew blank. Some blokes I met shore fishing had brought their tinny but said there was no way they were going out in the wind.

I'm sure I'll be up that way again. Heard you went on a trip to Timor. Can't wait for the pics too.

PilbaraBrad's picture

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Hans Solo mission

Tue, 2009-12-08 20:50

awesome solo effort mate, good stuff! I love getting out and going it on my own from time to time, great way to find yourself. Is awesome when you land a good fish as well, nothing but your self to congratulate and share a beer with (that means i get two) hahaha

good post, keep em comming!

Kasey L.'s picture

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That's a hardcore trip! So

Tue, 2009-12-08 22:02

That's a hardcore trip! So many types of trevally but not a GT.

desmond's picture

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Wed, 2009-12-09 23:54

Had many bust-offs that never stopped running. Always happened on the light rig. No idea what they were but when I mentioned the location at the tackle stores I was told that I was indeed in GT territory. I did see a few GTs but could not get them to take. Pretty sure they would have been hard to even turn on PE10! They were scary big ... ... no mistaking the shape, and what I was after. Poppers, stickbaits, sub-surface, plastics, but no luck with the persuasion. Pretty sure big bait would have worked.

Paul G's picture

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Sounds like a great trip to

Tue, 2009-12-08 22:13

Sounds like a great trip to our shores,some good pics ,one nice place is exy thats for sure.


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Faulkner Family's picture

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well done Desmond, gotta

Tue, 2009-12-08 22:31

well done Desmond, gotta love the exxy experience. you done well with not knowing the area. next time you may end up in a boat fishing


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Tigh82's picture

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Good Effort

Wed, 2009-12-09 10:09

Good solo effort there Desmond. Good to see you got onto to some fish landbased mate!

Pete D's picture

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Top effort Desmond! Ouch -

Wed, 2009-12-09 15:08

Top effort Desmond!

Ouch - sore feet.  You need to invest in some reef booties, or as a minimum some dive booties for ya next trip.

5th pic down is a 'charlie court' - great bait and awesome to eat too.

Great pics for a solo effort.

Cheers Pete

desmond's picture

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Wed, 2009-12-09 17:37

Yup have a good pair of reef booties, but I did a loooot of walking and skin gets tender after a good soak.

That fish ended up in a stew together with some cuttlefish, beef cubes and mixed veggies, the frame was used for sharking. Thought it was a chinaman cod.

SamC's picture

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Chinaman Cod!

Wed, 2009-12-09 17:45

Yeh Desmond your right, their proper name is a Chinaman Cod. But for short they're a "Charlie Court"




desmond's picture

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Wed, 2009-12-09 23:10

Oh, so that's the local name! Were tons of them. Great bait and just the right size mostly about a foot in length. They were taking small "salty rubber" jigs big minnows and really big sabiki rigs cut down to 2 hooks.

Also large schools of bream. Never seen so many legal sized ones at the same spot. The water was so clear you could make out individual fish. They were killing hardy heads - found out from bluewater what a hardy head was

sarcasm0's picture

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Charlie Court

Thu, 2009-12-10 12:29

Named after former state premier (Not Richard Court - thats another joke with all the dick caught numbers, but his father none the less) because he also had a big mouth, Also responsible for the pine plantations north of Perth around Gnangara

jay_burgess's picture

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Not to be confused with

Thu, 2009-12-10 12:45

Not to be confused with 'Chinaman fish' which are an awesome reef fish to catch.

Colin Hay's picture

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That is excellent work Desmond

Wed, 2009-12-09 15:18

It looks like you got into a variety of fish and adventures. I would love to do a landbased Exmouth trip next year. Hopefully the flies will be less abundant.
And well done on the photos. It is not easy taking pics of yourself and the fish.


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desmond's picture

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next year

Wed, 2009-12-09 17:41

Yup you should definately do it. I had a real good time. Just make sure you bring a sandfly net or balaclava for the flies. As you can see, they can be a real pain.

No joke, there were tourists at Mildura shouting vulgarities. Thought the flies were the worst there. Think it's because of the abundant seaweed that got washed up on shore in that area.

Colin Hay's picture

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Thanks Desmond. I will make sure I am well prepared

Thu, 2009-12-10 11:52

What was your favourite landbased spot there?


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desmond's picture

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Thu, 2009-12-10 13:26

Geez that's a hard one. I did a lot of walking. Must have walked up and down the Gulf from Bundegi, Skipped the lighthouse (unfishable in strong wind and high water by muself) and down West side at least twice. Think I covered at least a 60k stretch on the West repeatedly at various tides. A lot of hard work (land based is) and a lot of medical tape to the feet before the skin breaks if possible. I'm pretty fit and I walk really fast, scannning the water from as high up as possible (the visual angle into the water makes a big difference) looking for good structure with good flow, then trying to get the lures to pass as close as possible skimming over the edge or at through a colour or depth change and finally bumping the reef and the bottom of any channel. Single tail hooks on the minnows prevents snagging - the bib prevents the front treble from catching the reef. I usually start with the poppers to get everything's attention then switch over to minnows and always have the big rig ready with a BIG subsurface stick bait. Casting distance is key so light line and good casting lures is what you want. Just be prepared to lose a few. The yo-zuri minnows I use cast further than I want them to go and never tumble but cost a bi#$h. For poppers nothing beats Halco for castability, but some have better action, so i swap around depending on the wind which was a challenge. If you use crap lures (I have a few) you won't even get it out in a headwind. I modified a few halcos to fish in a gale. Will post a pic if you want, but basically remove the middle hook. Use an assist cord at the tail and slide a barrel sinker on the cord before attaching to a solid ring to which the split ring and tail hook are atached. You can cast it through any wind. Basically it weigh a little more and the weight distribution is moved further back and still does not tumble. I found myself shaking when trying to change lures quick enough when the nice stuff swims by, so I can get the lure in a good position before it gets there. Running is involved if you are slow - means you got to wade back to shore, up the beach, wade back out, find the bugger again and hopefully get a good position - with everything on your back. Leave anything on the reef and it will get swept away. Split ring pliers are stuck to me and I never use the clips that come on the swivels. Cut them off and use quality split rings. Nearly all the big stuff was caught subsurface. As my lures seldom snag I learnt really quickly to strike back at EVERY bump. Some spots I really wanted to fish more were the Navy Pier (BIGGGGG GT swiming around taunting me), NorthWest coast near the lighthouse off the reef (i know there's big stuff) and Bugendi flats where the land drops off. Didn't have time for lighthouse at the right wind and tide, and at Bugendi, I was in the water for 2 days waiting for the tide to drop low enough for me to walk to the ledge, but it never got low enough I got almost a kilometer out but the reef i think extends like 1.6-1.8ks. Chest-deep is as far as i go and only if I can see the bottom and can back out. The new Bugendi boat ramp was suprisingly good. Big queengfish there, bream till you get sick and in the evening 2foot cuttlefish every tenth cast, so bring a couple of squid jigs big and small and some light line. That's where I picked up most of my shark bait. I did not do well on the flats, but there's tons permit if you want to target them specifically. It was too windy during my stay for fly fishing. Hope this helps. Conditions change. So ask in the tackle shop or on this forum again closer to your arrival, and chat up the fishoes on site. I found that specific points on a big reef produced, but cast a little off and nothing follows - which meant fishing every reef.

Colin Hay's picture

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Desmond, thanks for that mate. That is a great rundown

Thu, 2009-12-10 13:36

I like the sound of your Halco set-up. If you can post a pic that would be great. I tried something that sounds a little similar with a Nils Master Barra lure many years ago which worked a treat on really big tailor.
You sure did some walking.
Thanks again, Colin


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desmond's picture

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supercast halco

Thu, 2009-12-10 16:09

Hey Colin, didn't know how to attach a pic to this reply so I added a pic at the bottom of my report. That's a 150lbs assist cord doubled over and looped through the tail ring and to a ss jigging ring. You can of course tie direct to the hook just like jigging, but this way you can then attach any hook the normal way. The centre hook has to be removed to prevent fouling as the whole setup folds over during the cast.

The popper still floats but sits lower. I'm using large bore barrel sinkers, the type found on cast nets and drift nets (scavange off the beach for a lifetime supply). These don't weigh too much and is easy to get an assist cord through. There are also sinkers you can crimp, but you could kill someone if it comes off.

The centre lure is my fav slider, casts like a rocket as it is. The bottom one is a tailwalk which is a match the hatch size but does not cast well as it's a floater, so I set it up with the sinker as well. It gets a better action too, making it drop to the bottom and jumping it clear off the water.

The ruler at the bottom of the pic is 16cm total for scale.

hlokk's picture

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I remember those rules from

Thu, 2009-12-10 16:26

I remember those rules from when I was in Malaysia. Never seen them here (but found some decent 15cm steel ones).

Which stickbaits were they? Did you get them here or in Singapore? Looks like you have a few different poppers too. Which one is that in the trevs gob after the school pic?

desmond's picture

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Thu, 2009-12-10 17:00

The lure in the trev is a Storm ChugBug in the largest size. Think Bluewater (exxy) has them. Shopped there when I was running low. Nice action and they look like small mullet but don't cast far into wind.

In the bottom pic, below the halco is a Duel Slidend 140 sinking (68gram on my digital). They got pretty chewed. Best casting lure and works in any water.

The bottom lure is a GunzTailWalk floating also in the largest size. It's pretty light allowing you to cast a huge lure on light tackle. But to blast it out there on a heavy rod, I attach a sinker to the tail. With the sinker set up I can hit the bottom and yank it up without sticking the reef. Really looks like its gonna be dead.

Brought all my lures from Singapore at the risk of paying excess luggage as the exchange rate was killing me.

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

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Very interesting Desmond

Thu, 2009-12-10 18:23

That is fairly similar to what I tried, but I used a large split shot to add the extra weight.


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Andy Mac's picture

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Fantastic solo effort

Wed, 2009-12-09 16:43

great pics there and memories that will last forever no doubt.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

alfred's picture

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To stuff and solo too!

Wed, 2009-12-09 16:54

To stuff and solo too!

Dasho's picture

Posts: 488

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Awesome report mate. I love

Thu, 2009-12-10 06:57

Awesome report mate.

I love landbased fishing up in exxy.  One of the best adventures you can have.

I want to go back, but only with a couple of hardcore fisho buddies.  Hopefully I meet some guys on this site who want to head up for a landbased fishing mission.


desmond's picture

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Thu, 2009-12-10 13:32

Hey m8 I think everyone on this forum is pretty hardcore or soon will be. Had a couple guys here try to link up with me and offer to take me to some nice spots but unfortunately the schedules did not permit.

If you can't find anyone, go it alone, but stay safe.

Dasho's picture

Posts: 488

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I've done it alone up there

Thu, 2009-12-10 19:10

I've done it alone up there twice and it was a little scary.

No one around for miles & miles, sun hot enough to kill you if you passed out, and you start thinking about what would happen if a snake bit me, or you step on an blue ring occy or break an ankle on the reef.

I got a Nokia 6220 especially for it's outback capability to take on my exxy trips.  Gets reception and GPS even down in the national park which is handy.



desmond's picture

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Thu, 2009-12-10 22:45

Didn't think anyone got any phone reception over there. I stopped getting a signal before I even made it to bagundi. Thought of renting a satelite phone but it was way off budget.

My biggest worry was getting washed across the reef or getting my foot bitten by a reef sharks. Witnessed someone slip and fall on an oyster shelf and blood spewed out like it was in a plastic bag. If you can't make it to the road by yourself - you're in trouble. I also put a piece of paper on my dashboard with an arrow and "fishing - went that way" - I know the cops have binnos and love a good hunt.

I also carried a diving safety whistle, a mirror - if you don't know how to use one, then get the safety mirror at the sports store as it is the only thing that can be seen during the day - and and a large cylume and cord strapped to my back at night - some pointers are needed to be seen effectively. None of these ever leave my body. My knife is also accessible by either hand if i need to cut the line quickly.

I also carry a small medic kit that has everything to patch myself up enough till I can get help. And everything is prepped for use with either hand.

Walk carefully, and watch where you step and sit. Most importantly, don't get in the water unless you can swim. I think guys who travel solo tend to get a little paranoid eh?

GrahamM's picture

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Mate great report  you will

Thu, 2009-12-10 07:43

Mate great report  you will never be the same after a trip like that and most of the guys on this site would be jealous. But that is what fishing is all about and keeps us comming back to try and try again

riptide's picture

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LB Exmouth

Fri, 2009-12-11 01:38

Mate! Great report and some very nice pics as well!

I stayed in Exmouth last year for roughly a week. Did not know fishwrecked back then and was pretty helpless sometimes. the campground host gave me a few tips on LB fishing and i ended up walking up and down on the reef side a lot and cathing a few small trevas and trout, so i think i know how you feel. definately will be back some day, exmouth rocks! 



schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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Nice work mate sounds like

Fri, 2009-12-11 07:41

Nice work mate

sounds like an awesome trip!

Hazell's picture

Posts: 194

Date Joined: 26/10/09

Great pics and story

Fri, 2009-12-11 23:05

Great pics and story mate!

Im heading up there for about 2 weeks in May. Mostly for light tackle stuff, trevally etc. You have set some good targets for me now, cheers!

What rod/reel/mainline did you land the bigger sharks on?


Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

desmond's picture

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Sat, 2009-12-12 00:04

Used a Shimano Kaibutsu LC with a Saragosa8000 and 50lbs ppro - you can go lighter. To that is attached (FP knot) 100lbs leader joined to a 3ft section of 130lbs and a 250lbs swivel. The bite leader is explained above. Hooks were 10/0 circle and you can go larger. Coz i'm by myself, my rig ended in the sand alot. Miss my VanStaal150, it would be perfect to throw on the beach.

You don't need such a powerful rod though. A cheap surf rod will do but you need a nice drag. It just happens to be my popping rod as well. Baits are really big. If you can't cast it (i can with the popping rod) then just wade out a little and toss it. Small baits don't attract the sharks and don't cast well. If you don't get a run in ten mins something is wrong.

I also stick a couple of cylumes in a vey small balloon and attach it about 5ft up the line - see pic. This acts as a marker (not a float) and as a "lead-lift" if I want to bring the bait back without snagging.

If you don't know yet, get someone to show you how to leader a fish properly. Some of the sharks were pretty big and I had to let them back out a couple of times. I've set a bad example by wearing a watch. You should be able to cut the line at any time.

I also managed to land a couple under 4ft on 16-20lbs tackle but it took forever to get them in. Surprisingly, they were on poppers with no wire trace on a 5-pc travel rod - there's a pic above that some tourists took for me.

Shimano pliers kick a$$. Get at least a looooong nosed plier if you're fishing shark.

If you're after the light tackle stuff, bring a backup as you will inadvertently hook up something not so light.

Hazell's picture

Posts: 194

Date Joined: 26/10/09

Thanks Desmond! By light I

Sat, 2009-12-12 20:07

Thanks Desmond!

By light I mean an egi-force/daiwa exceller running 2 spools with 10lb braid each and a lemax/? with 15 and 20lb braid. For 'light' leaders ill probably take 12, 20 and 30lb flouro.

I want to take 3 combos with me so its the 3rd I need to decide on. My beach outfit probably (Wilson 10', Penn 8000 Applause, 20lb mono, 30lb braid) unless I get a new Land Based Game setup by then.

For big baits, would fish frames etc be alright?





Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

desmond's picture

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 27/12/06

light gear

Sun, 2009-12-13 01:16


You'll have a ball on 10lbs. I gave up on the 16lbs though, as I realized I was loosing too many lures.

Your bite leader might be a little light. I used 30-50lbs mono leader on my light setup, lost a lot on 30lbs. NOTHING is leader shy here, unless you want bonefish.

Fish frames are good for big baits. Or you can get a 12" reef fish for bait every minute if you fish off a ledge using bait or sabiki. Those go back in whole. Since you're into the squid thing, cuttlefish average 1ft mantle at bugendi, and great for bait and a feed.

I was just making life difficult by sticking to lures - sorta like chasing the holy grail for me. With the exception of sharks.

For your heavy outfit, you will get cut off alot with 30lbs because there is reef everywhere. You'll see the fish heading there and say "crap" but too late. That said, it's more fun when the fish at least has a chance. Make sure your drag is smooth when you crank it down.

Hazell's picture

Posts: 194

Date Joined: 26/10/09

I better go heavier then!

Sun, 2009-12-13 14:39

I better go heavier then! 50lb leaders and I guess Ill be looking at LBG gear then and leaving the beach outfit at home.

Ill be camping pretty far from exmouth and coral bay (around lefroy bay) so lures are going to be more practical which suits me fine!

Those cuttlefish sound great, Ill have to head up that way for a fish and a dive. 

Cheers Again... I cant wait! 

Also, how much 50lb braid could you fit on the 8000 saragosa?? they have a pretty small spool for 50lb.


Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

desmond's picture

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 27/12/06

how much braid

Sun, 2009-12-13 23:03

Not familiar with lefroy bay. Couldn't get past Yardie. Ask around the forum, I'm sure someone's fished it, supposed to be kick a$$ fishing south of Yardie.

Also not sure about the capacity. I've got a bulk spool (split with friends - lots cheaper). On my expensive reels, I get the store to spool it professionally (really packed) till abt 2mm from the rim. When I get home I strip the line off on a modified power drill so the spool doesn't corrode. When I go fish, I put the line back on.

You need a little math to figure out how much the spool will hold exactly. All pe line as different diameter. You can interpolate from shimano's specs. If you really must know, give me your line diameter and I can figure it out for you. I've got more than enough line that I don't need to know exactly. The 1st third of line that comes off your spool will equate to roughly half the line on it.

I didn't mention in the report that I also brought an 18000 spooled with 100lbs ... ... in case the GT decided to bite. When you see how big they get up there you'll still feel a little inadequate. Your beach rod should be able to handle anything except maybe BIG GT. If you're gonna get a new outfit, better go long than too short.

Hazell's picture

Posts: 194

Date Joined: 26/10/09

Cheers, I was wondering

Mon, 2009-12-14 12:32


I was wondering because I have a penn applause 8000 that I could spool up with 40-50lb braid. The drag should handle this if I play it right. Its the length i was worried about, I thought sharks if that size would strip a couple hundred meters of 50lb pretty quick.

I guess up there a couple hundred meters and the rocks will get your line before the shark?

Ill save targetting GT's for the next trip when I have my own boat (taking a causal fishing mates boat) and I'll get set up for it properly.



Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

desmond's picture

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Mon, 2009-12-14 18:50

For even the big shark, think your applause can put the hurt on no prob. Just get used to palming the spool if you don't have enough or have a jerky drag, and know when to put the heat on. It's not just keeping the pressure on, you need to actively turn the fish if you're on lighter gear. It's also really exciting to see the end of your line. I didn't get spooled though.

At exxy you don't have to cast real far. You're already ON the reef. You could just throw baits by hand if you want. So that saves you like a hundred mtrs right away. The long rod is handy to keep line off the reef.

Hazell's picture

Posts: 194

Date Joined: 26/10/09

Sounds good mate, cheers for

Tue, 2009-12-15 09:45

Sounds good mate, cheers for all your advice.

Now I can spent all my extra cash on lures!!!!!


Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

HuggyB's picture

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Date Joined: 03/08/08

nicely done Desmond

Sun, 2009-12-13 12:28

great array of fish caught and good work with the buff - best thing when flies are like that.


Unlucky regarding the lack of GT champ, but that just gives you a good excuse to go back to exmouth and try again sometime......


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

desmond's picture

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I'll be baaaaak

Sun, 2009-12-13 23:07

Haha, great minds think alike. Yeah, the GT are asking to get hammered. Just they wait till I get back up there. I'm the terrifying type of terrorist ... ... and I'm gonna give em a real bad toothache.

desmond's picture

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 27/12/06

We're thinking of getting a bigger office

Wed, 2009-12-16 00:27

Coz it's a little cramped with all of us.

Finally back at work doing the unthinkable ... ...havin a good time with my "feel free to go fishing" boss.

If you're in Singapore, swing by for coffee. We'll talk fish and I'll show you around.

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

Date Joined: 22/04/09

Sounds like an amazing trip

Mon, 2010-01-18 01:11

Sounds like an amazing trip Desmond! Has inspired me to spend a week up there from the 1st of Feb. Will mainly be land based shark fishing. Any idea about good spots, maybe places I wont constantly get reefed?

desmond's picture

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Mon, 2010-01-18 07:03

Where are you coming from? North or South of Exxy? You alone? What gear are you planning on bringing?

I'm headed to the barracks for a medical, then spending the rest of the day in the simulator, but will reply with more detail when I get back tonite.

Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

Flight Time

Mon, 2010-01-18 07:42

Nice pic (last one)  Desmond.

So when are you flying down to Perth to pick us Fishwreckers up?

Cheers Pete


desmond's picture

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 27/12/06


Tue, 2010-01-19 02:39


Trying to get back to the commercial flying. Miss the 777 - it's complicated. In the meantime, it's bleeding my pockets faster than your O2 tank runs dry.

Right now I'm runnin a 737 simulator till the next flying contract comes along. Anyone have a $265m aircraft that needs a pilot? Will fly for food!

My dream is to get back on the jets and fly a snoopy plane on floats on my own time. I understand that a snoopy plane with floats = tons of friends.

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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Mon, 2010-01-18 17:36

Coming from perth with a friend. Bringing heavy surf rod + reel that will hold roughly 350m of 50lb braid backing and 100m of 50lb mono. Thinking of getting a new reel b4 i go but thats still undecided. Been doin a fair bit of slide baiting for sharks here in Perth so I guess thats my preferred method but sounds like theres some around throwing distance from shore?

Any advice much appreciated mate as I haven't been to Exmouth since I was a kid!



desmond's picture

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 27/12/06


Tue, 2010-01-19 15:17

Hi Adam,

Sounds like you know how to handle a shark, so I'll assume that's covered and you'll be safe.

May I suggest that you bring light tackle and focus on great fishing during the day? Then go sharking when the sun has set. You WILL GET SHARKS. You will get them anywhere, and every 5-10 mins as long as it's dark and you have big bait. You'll also be dripping in sweat and it's cooler at night.

NW cape, Navy Jetty (100m), Mildura wreck, Sandy Bay, Yardie Creek are all good. With the exception of NW cape, all have nice clear patches. Sit on the dunes during the day to scope it out. I did not shark on the East side as I camped West mostly and minimized drivin at night.

PS: sanctuary zones change so be sure to check it out.

My sharking rig is described on the the posts above. I think that's the ideal rig. Looks like you're bringing a big multiplier? Might be overkill. My preference is a medium spinner. I didn't use a top shot. Don't bother with the slide baiting, you'll lose a ton of sinkers and non-return clips. If you can throw out the trash, that's a good cast. I think most of my sharks (landed) stayed within 100m - well it was dark!

Shark pliers are a must.
I have to say this - DO NOT SWIM AT NIGHT.

Can't wait to see your killer pics when you get back. You'll have someone to take the shots for you!!!

Posts: 2321

Date Joined: 03/05/06

very informative thread

Mon, 2010-01-18 22:05

the threads move so fast these days it is easy to miss a good one like this.

Great report and pics Desmond and first class follow-up posts for information.  Those solo fish pics must have taken some setting up.

Interested to know where you hired the van from - it looks a great set-up.  2 or 4WD?



desmond's picture

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Tue, 2010-01-19 15:05

I got a backpacker campervan - i'm not affiliated. There are a whole bunch of similar companies running similar rigs. I picked this company for the Toyota. I also compared, searched feedback and videos so I'd know what to expect. It's a 2wd. Unless you want to cross Yardie creek or go up the canyons that's all you'll need. Depending on when you book, I think prices vary significantly even within the same company. This company matched quotes, so it came down to vehicle choice.

I called them up before picking up the vehicle to make sure it was actually going to be there. When I returned the vehicle, I asked to tour their garage and checked out their other vehicles. They also have a basic shower at their office. So i got cleaned up before heading out to the airport. I'd recommend them if you need a family vehicle that has everything.

Next trip I'll probably go tiny city car and a tent, and still go alone - there's good company when you get there. And I'm a sucker for punishment.

Yea ok I said it - NEXT TRIP!!!

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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Tue, 2010-01-19 16:20

Thanks for the advice Desmond, priceless. Probably bring my 950ssm then it's a fun reel to fish with n does the job.  Will get sorted with some lighter gear as well for day fishing sounds good.
Yea glad ive got someone coming with me, I think id be a little nervouse tackling the area on my own, sounds like you were well organised for it. Would love to do it on my own some time when i know the place better.



raymond's picture

Posts: 7

Date Joined: 22/10/09


Tue, 2010-02-23 23:42

fantastic pic and good report, never catch shark before...be carefull with shark friend...Wink


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