
Hey guys just have been planing a trip to kalbarri,

and are wondering wat the weather/fishing is like in august,

i dont normaly ask many questions on here but your info would be muchly appreciated,

we may have a tiny by then but would be mostly LB without a 4WD,

Cheers Adam!

Posts: 179

Date Joined: 24/01/11

 Same as the rest of midwest

Tue, 2012-06-05 12:44

 Same as the rest of midwest WA that time of year. could be a winter front- NW winds to 40kn and 5m swell- could be glass off perfection.

Hope this helps Boomer


Big hook,

Big bait, 

BIG FISH !!!!!

adam87's picture

Posts: 291

Date Joined: 16/05/11


Wed, 2012-06-06 10:50

ive never gone north for a trip before,

ill maybe consider holding off or going in the next month,

weather looks up and down at the moment,

thanks adam.


jeremy-j's picture

Posts: 336

Date Joined: 31/08/09

Adam,as boomer said it can go

Wed, 2012-06-06 13:12


as boomer said it can go either way. Just keep an eye on the weather conditions, i usually run betwen a couple websites just to get a reasonable reading as we all knowwhat the internet is like at predictions.

I go a fair bit and have seen it in 5m swell SW and 0.6m swell and E in mid july. There is always somewhere to fish as you have the murchison to play around in if the weather is not optimal.

Augustid say you should be able to pick up some of the large winter greenbacks at least.