Kalbarri Offshore Competition Results - 23rd September
A cancellation of the boat section due to big swells and southerly winds was a disappointment and with the Grand Final next Saturday no one would fish so we had the river and beach sections only. A good turn out again for the river section and the land-based guys did well despite the big swell.
This month we had 8 senior and 7 juniors compete in the river. The juniors did well with Steven Eley, James & Luke Dooley and Amy Stewart each landing live bream to be returned but Dylan Ivey easily won with his two live bream. Amy Stewart’s bream was a good size at 654 grams.
[img_assist|fid=55974|thumb=0|alt=Amy Stewart’s 654g fish]
[img_assist|fid=55981|thumb=0|alt=Dylan Ivey with one of his winning bream]
[img_assist|fid=55978|thumb=0|alt=Garry Ivey with his .912g live bream.]
In the senior section, Sue Malton and Di Stewart each had one fish while Brett Bain had two. Cheryl brought three live bream to the weigh-in catching them all in the last hour, Laurie Malton had three as well but not good enough to beat Garry Ivey’s three with one of them a very respectable 912 grams to win. Most river anglers were plagued by undersize mulloway.
[img_assist|fid=55991|thumb=0|alt=James, Luke and Dylan show off their fish]
Daniel and Simon Tarasek, Tristan Neuman and Bill Tolson fished the beach section, but only Daniel and Simon managed to land a fish. They were good snapper as well; a 3.3kg fish for Daniel and Simon’s went 2.95kgs.
[img_assist|fid=55994|thumb=0|alt=Daniel and Simon Tarasek - Snapper]
The Mystery Fish voucher from The Kalbarri Pizza & Pasta went to Daniel for his snapper. The restaurant voucher was won by Tristan Neumann and Garry Ivey won the scratchie draw. Laurie who spent time rigging his rod, casting out and then realising that he had forgotten to feed the line under his bail arm, won mug of the day. Not to forget the Hot Bite guys who forgot to engage the front hubs while 4WD up river and getting bogged and wondering why they were not moving!
Next comp is on 21st October.
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