Exmouth Fishing Report - 5th Sept '06
Exmouth Fishing Report #33 - 5th Sept ‘06 - Courtesy of Scott Forbes - EGFC
The town is finally beginning to quieten down after a very busy tourist season. Despite the large amount of anglers, there are still plenty of fish in the sea! Dean Dorman from Roley Stone caught a mixed bag of fish, including his first billfish from Aaron Rampling’s boat called “Sugar Daddy.” The boys enjoyed fresh seafood for dinner with tuna, calamari, red emperor and prawns from Kailis during their week off from work.
Three guys from Bunbury, Rob, Danno and Jai pictured this issue had weeks of enjoyment during August fishing out off Tantabiddi. The trio were fishing for mackerel in 25meters of water near south passage. They hooked up to a small mackerel about 12kg. As they were bringing it in slowly the mackerel jumped high in the air about 20m from the stern. To the boys amazement a marlin with the “head the size of a 44gallon drum” (according to Rob) jumped out after the mackerel and nailed it in mid air. The boys freespooled the reel and hooked up to the big fish that instantly began trekking west. After half an hour, the hooks pulled and all that was returned was the head of the small mackerel and the original lure. However, the boys managed to hook and land many other billfish for their stay including this black marlin with its rigid pectoral fins.
Fishing from the shore has been productive, especially along town beach. During the middle of the day schools of whiting can be seen with a good pair of polarised sunglasses on. The Fathers Day fishing clinic on the Town beach was well organised with targets for kids to cast at and rods and reels for them to use. The Exmouth Game Fishing Club cooked up a free sausage sizzle for those involved and hopefully next year there will be many more participants. Look out next week for the photo of the biggest fish caught on the day.
Dave Buttfield from the television series “Hooked” on Foxtel is filming this week in Exmouth. Look out for the series which airs on the Aurora channel on Saturdays.
Another sailfish tagged off Dampier last week by angler Craig Rieck had been previously tagged by angler Trevor Turner onboard the boat Reel Teaser at the Rowley Shoals on August 18th 2005. We are still waiting for information on the fish that was tagged in Exmouth.
[img_assist|fid=52066|thumb=1|alt=Bigger Marlin]
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