Kalbarri september

Im heading up to kalbarri for a week at the end of september with the mrs and young fella, and much to her dismay im planning on taking the kayak up and hopefully the weather is nice enough to get out or atleast play around in the river. Few questions; ive never been up that time of year so what weather conditions should i expect? Is anyone else gonna be up there with a yak, or might have a spare spot on a their boat for a day trip? Ive been to kalbarri a few times with mates but it was more just sinkin piss and soaking baits with a few laughs rather than actual fishing trips, although I'll have the mrs and little one with me i wanna give it as good crack as i can before she packs up and leaves me there. Haha


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Callum24's picture

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Pm sent

Tue, 2017-08-01 10:07

Pm sent


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Francis's picture

Posts: 326

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 I'll be watching this thread

Tue, 2017-08-01 10:21

 I'll be watching this thread closely as I am heading up in early September and taking the boat !


From what I have read, I expect the water temp to be 19 degrees which means the pelagics and northern species are probably off the table. Maybe some Tuna ?

As for bottom bouncing, I'd expect the usual metro specieis. Not sure about red throat or other northern specieis, id think its too cold for them as well ?

Whales should be migrating back down south which should make for some nice viewing. 


Its the change of season so I think we can expect some calm days and some blowy days. Going to be luck of the draw really... 

Not sure about swell - could be anything I suppose. Take the board, that way if the swell is up and fishing is off you can always go for a surf ;)


Also not too sure about the river, i'd think the cold water might make it hard to find mangrove jacks or muddy's (i read you get them in the murchison). But bream and the other usual river fish are apparently not too hard to find.


If I come across any spots on my time up there I will be happy to share them with you as I don't plan on venturing out too far. Probably just a few km's north/south of the rivermouth seem to be all that is required to get into the fish.


Good luck !

rob90's picture

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 Cheers, I'll be interested

Tue, 2017-08-01 16:18

 Cheers, I'll be interested to see how you go so I'll have an idea on what to expect.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

gruntre69's picture

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 Got a couple of Red throat

Sat, 2017-08-26 11:49

 Got a couple of Red throat up at Leeman this week so I'd assume they'll be around up at Kalbarri


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Francis's picture

Posts: 326

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 Awesome, good to know

Sat, 2017-08-26 12:00

 Awesome, good to know thanks! I'd be stoked to catch some red throat for something a bit different to the norm!

Fisher Kid's picture

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 Following this thread also.

Tue, 2017-08-01 17:54

 Following this thread also. Am keen to go up for a short tailor mission asap. Not sure how they will fair, assuming they are there mostly all year as with mullies. River should fish well for the usual bread and butters, not sure about the mangroves or muddies either.


Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.

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Tue, 2017-08-01 18:00

 used to go to Port Gregory for school holidays every year at end of September. Generally get a mix of nice Spring early summer weather with the occasional cold front going through. If you are there for a week I would expect a couple of cracker days. If you have kids they have a whiting comp in the river one day of both school holiday weeks.

Good Luck

Niko's picture

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Seems popular

Tue, 2017-08-01 18:05

 Ill be up mid September with the boat for the first time aswell. Family trip with the wife, her parents/siblings so not a solid fishing trip but planning on a few days outside the river mouth. Like francis i will only be heading a short trip north or south of the mouth for hopefully some good fish. 

Weather was good last time, very still and the ocean inside the reef looked like glass some days, saw some whales from the cliffs playing around along with pods of dolphins etc.

Been there before in september (pre boat) and caught all sorts fishing in the river in one session got bream, jacks, baby mulloway, some kinda trevally, tarwhine, yellowfin whiting and some chopper tailor nothing massive but good fun. Hired one of the small boats and fished the other side and got a giant herring and estuary cod along with some of the above so i imagine a yak would do well on the same and should keep you well entertained.

Depending on your travel dates probably pass you on my way back when you head up and likely vice versa for you francis.


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 yeah im in pt gregory 1st

Tue, 2017-08-01 18:13

 yeah im in pt gregory 1st week school holidays, hopefully drag boat up this time 

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

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 Cheers for the replies

Tue, 2017-08-01 19:31

 Cheers for the replies fellas, i have a little more confidence in some decent weather now, and as for the the fishing i guess i just gotta flog it hard and take it as it comes cant be any worse than how ive been going down here lately. The mrs is a teacher hence the only time we get to go away is school holidays which is a little bit annoying but makes it a little safer if i head out on the yak as im guessing there will be a few more people than usual.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

ranmar850's picture

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September can be a real mixed month up here.

Wed, 2017-08-02 18:33

 it is either beautiful or blowing it's *ss off from the SE. Hard to pick ahead of time. Pelagics would be right off the table, demersals will be about, how far you can go to get them will be all down to the weather.

The Saint's picture

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rob90,Put aside $250 and have

Thu, 2017-08-03 12:09


Put aside $250 and have a day out with Whitey on Evolution Charters.

His new boat is pretty impressive, missus and I did a day out with him and deckie Jay last month when we were in Kalbarri for a few days.

If we ever go anywhere without the boat we try and do a charter, this was one of the better ones we've been on.

Francis's picture

Posts: 326

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 Interesting that on a recent

Wed, 2017-08-23 15:02

 Interesting that on a recent fishing report (18th August) on a site called "ilovefishing" they are saying that spaniards were being caught until the rough weather came and muddied up the water, and that coral trout and also red emperpor were also being caught offshore. 


Judging by that report if the water has cleared up in Sept it might be worth trolling a lure when looking for ground. But if the water temp is only expected to be 19 degree's I'd imagine it would be a waste of time. Will find out soon enough ! I'll be happy just to catch some red throat ! 

big john's picture

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Wed, 2017-08-23 17:05

Whitey is killing it on macks recently and has been doing so for a fair while.


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Francis's picture

Posts: 326

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 This excites me - ill

Thu, 2017-08-24 09:53

 This excites me - ill deffinately be trawling a few lures around while looking for spots then !

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

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 I'll be sure to be dragging

Sat, 2017-08-26 05:28

 I'll be sure to be dragging some mackie candies if i get out. 


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

 Just my luck! Get up here

Mon, 2017-09-25 10:03

 Just my luck! Get up here and its blowing its arse off and pissin rain. Cant even get out and walk around with the young fella. Who else is up here and sulking like me?


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic