King George

Caught these king george in the sound last week in 1 hour. Biggest was 41cm


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tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

Wota bunch of slappers

Sun, 2012-08-26 18:28

Wota bunch of slappers


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Browndog's picture

Posts: 590

Date Joined: 10/04/12


Sun, 2012-08-26 21:30


opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

Date Joined: 05/10/07


Mon, 2012-08-27 07:43

 Great fun and good on the tooth. Wich sound?


dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

seems to be a few around at

Mon, 2012-08-27 09:34

seems to be a few around at the moment, great haul


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

topperQ's picture

Posts: 45

Date Joined: 07/05/12

 yum...! personally recon

Mon, 2012-08-27 14:08

 yum...! personally recon that is better than dhu though!


 Live to fish

Posts: 10

Date Joined: 25/07/11

Cockburn Sound

Mon, 2012-08-27 18:17

 Caught them in Cockburn Sound with fresh squid for bait.