Landbased: what's your species-list for this Summer 2011 / 2012
Submitted by Blue Whaler on Mon, 2011-11-28 08:21
Monster Quest for me this summer.
OK guys - so I have a couple of species on my list for this summer - and this summer I am aiming for the monsters.
Me bucket list: I am going for the following - all above the 100kg mark. (Hopefully!!)
1. Bronze Whaler
2. Tiger Shark
3. Black Smooth Ray
Whats your species list like for summer 2011 / 2012??
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
pom down under
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big ass sharks :)
big ass sharks :)
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Metro giant herring on fly is
Metro giant herring on fly is mine
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anything other than a dam
anything other than a dam blowie
would love a mullaway and shark and some flathead
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Looks like a few long nights....
What areas are you looking at to get those sort of sizes Blue?
I'll settle for whatever I can get I guess. I would like to catch another decent size Mulla and I will be targeting green-back Tailor north off Gero. I may be getting a hip replaced so that could limit my capacity to fish for a while.......
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Blue Whaler
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Date Joined: 05/10/10
Hi Vince - looks like the big
Hi Vince - looks like the big Tigers are all SOR, the big flatties can be caught around metro and SOR / NOR and the Bronzies are going to be a hit & miss experiment. Have some ideas as to what i want to do - whether it is going to work is another story - but; if I dont try I wont know.
Waiting for the waters to get a little more warmer!!
(Good luck with the hip - no easy decision and recoup time is long. Take it easy!)
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
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Yes. It is a setback
Doc recons 6 weeks on crutches and then I should start getting out and about. Needs to be done though. I have been hobbling around for a while now. Legacy of active sporting days of the past........
Good luck with the Shark efforts. I'd run a mile seeing something like that on the end of my line LOL.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
pom down under
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oh and my first mullaway
oh and my first mullaway
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Another big mackie at steep in January or wagoe later.
And a decent mulla, with a few trips to lucky bay wagoe and kalbarri planned I hope I am increasing the odds not to mention plenty of metro sessions
Blue Whaler
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Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
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Blue Groper off the rocks for
Blue Groper off the rocks for me.
Then a big Bronzie off the beach on salmon livebait....hooked a couple but never landed one.
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Bornholm Beach
In my younger days we used to fish Bornholm Beach for Salmon. It's between Albany and Denmark. It's a bay inside a reef and when things turn on they really do turn on. Salmon hunt the Herring into the bay and the sharks feed on the Salmon. It's unreal! I recon this may be the place for you guys chasing sharks although it's a fair distance is quite a rugged road in. I have enough trouble tugging a decent Salmon in let alone a large shark.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
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Anything hahaha
Some flathead and a mulla and some bream mainly
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
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big flatties
200kg smooth ray
50kg duckbill
i think are do able in the metro the sharks will only ever be rats, but i will be swimming a few of those 6 - 8 killo jobs as live baits and mabe hook into the very sharp nose bronzie
havent seen my backing for awhile now - needs to be strecthed again.
Blue Whaler
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Date Joined: 05/10/10
Absolutley yes; I would not
Absolutley yes; I would not mind a 50kg duckbill are right with the backing issue - have not seen mine in 1 yr and half - too long - THIS SUMMER!!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
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this weekend
i need to get strecthed this weekend even if i have to wrap my leader around some one and get them too run ..... !
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A landbased Mackie would be great.
A metre long Tailor ( dreaming , but could be posible )
A nice Mulloway from the beach ( Been nearly 2 years since my last one )
But most of all i just want some time to actually go fishing . lol
Cheers Grant .
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
wish list
to break the 20kg barrier for dhufish (ive been close a few times!!!)
metro marlin (aiming for a big blue at the fads , fingers crossed!!>)
50kg samson fish (as soon as the weather permits)
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land based
can u give me some casting lessons .....
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
Afghan Rocket Fishing - not
Afghan Rocket Fishing - not too far off the mark - I suppose something like this can work - 1000mt of braid with 600mt topshot and 150mt 200lb leader!?!?!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
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Date Joined: 13/11/11
Land based I am intent on
Land based I am intent on nailing my first metro sharks. Bucket list is -
1. Gummy Shark
2. Bronzie
3. Mulloway from the beach
From the boat I would love to hook into -
1. Spanish Mackerel
2. SBT
3. 15kg+ Dhufish
Most of all I just wanna go fishing!!
Edit - After seeing barneyboy's pics of those massive YTK's I am pretty keen on hooking into one of them. Not expecting a monster like that though!
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 21/03/11
Landing my first mulla and
Landing my first mulla and getting over that 40cm bream mark for me. A giant herring from the swan would be good too.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 01/05/11
There's a few for me....
Currently looking for a big ass rod and reel for the coming late nighters to soak baits etc as the weather warms, but:
Lately been doing ok with richters/metals targeting tailor, but would love to get them locally around 70cm mark though (biggest this season to 45cm so far)
Perry Home
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LBG Wish List
- Solid Dhuie off the beach
- Big Pink Snapper
- Big Mulloway ( got a solid fish last year)
- Solid Bronzie
- Giant Herring would be unreal but they don't turn up too often down this way.
- 10lb tailor would be something to crow about too
Santa's gonna be damn busy rounding those up.
Posts: 1311
Date Joined: 06/04/09
I just want the time to get
I just want the time to get out. By this time last year we already had about half dozen mulloway and sharks from the beaches. Weed has seemed to stick around longer this year but by some reports may have pissed off in the last week or two so want to try again this weekend. Ive got some new sharking gear to try out this summer so fingers crossed and good luck to all!!!
Posts: 1266
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U tried those slides u made
U tried those slides u made yet mate?
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I like to
Beat the SA at fishing lol
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Good luck with that one sherbs ....... ! Lol
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I could beat you big guy
Assassin landbase fishing club
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U been saying that for the last 3yrs and its still yet to happen ......... i'm willing to give u some lessons at a special price - lol
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
Ha Ha - game on!!!
Ha Ha - game on!!!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 109
Date Joined: 16/11/11
Good luck with that!
Good luck with that! I would be happy with one over 100kg.
1. 45cm+ Black bream to beat the record of 44
2. Swan Flattie 50cm+
3. Any size Swan bull shark
Posts: 341
Date Joined: 23/10/09
10 kg
10 kg tailor or a new pb over 90 cm got close the other day @%#&
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 23/07/11
Seriously considering gearing
Seriously considering gearing up for a Beach based Spanish Mack. Remember people getting a few of the Ammo jetty last year, cant see why a Ballooned bait out from the beach cant get one.
Always at the beach.
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Date Joined: 23/07/11
Now I cant stop thinking about this...hmmmm I'm about to move from Secret Harbour to Madora Bay and there is a nice little rock platform there that would be great to balloon from.
I see a whole new summer obsession coming on.
Always at the beach.
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Date Joined: 22/04/09
Tiger from the beach, spent
Tiger from the beach, spent bloody ages wading out to sandbars and sliding tailor for them last summer but only got the rats. Bigger baits I guess..... And if all else fails I'll cheat and kayak out a bait!
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swim baits
Need to swim a bronzie , or slide out the head of a shovel nose ray - lots of blood in those gills .
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
A mulloway is number one.Also
A mulloway is number one.
Also want some big whiting on light gear of the beach as well as tailor on lures.
Posts: 455
Date Joined: 18/04/11
yea mate looking at
yea mate looking at getting.
1. big hammer 6 ft plus
2. mulloway
3. tiger or mako of decent size
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
LB??? Good luck with the mako
LB??? Good luck with the mako gonna make a name for yourself if you get one..
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yea there was a couple caught
yea there was a couple caught last season at woodies so lets see how this season goes
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shark hunters
Hey you shark boys heres how you get a big one.
get to steep point or quobba hook a 10kg+ spanish mack and live bait it,
instant 3m tiger shark lol they are always hungry up there
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
not sure how to go about
not sure how to go about getting a big tiger up on the rocks for some happy snaps though lol
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
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Ask the Welshman to dive in
Ask the Welshman to dive in and take a couple of shots and then to un-hook it for you! The old fart is a pro! LOL!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
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all you need to do at quobba
all you need to do at quobba is hook a tiny tuna or spaniard and you will have yourself a 5m Bronzie within a minute!
bludgin' since 94'
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To land a yellowfin tuna or
To land a yellowfin tuna or cobia off the rocks without getting sharked , and also get a 20 kg plus spaniard at steep in january
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50cm+ tailorSharks
50cm+ tailor
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just ticked off a 2m Bronzie
just ticked off a 2m Bronzie from the list on the weekend.
1) Cobia off the rocks
2) Big Spaniard
3) Yellowfin Tooooona
WITHOUT the hassle from sharks every hookup!
No worse feeling than losing your first cobia to a shark after missing the gaff shot. :(
bludgin' since 94'
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nice fish
Got some pic's of that bronzie , where did u catch it ?
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
Got him up at Quobba, Dave.
Got him up at Quobba, Dave. Blowholes beach. didnt get any photos because i left the camera in the shack. But i have witnesses haha.
bludgin' since 94'
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
sounds like you having fun
sounds like you having fun mate!!!!! - pre-caudel or full length on that bronzie?
I hope you put that YFT back as a livie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
it was heaps of fun. just
it was heaps of fun. just took an educated estimate at the size of the bronzie, didnt actually measure it. Haha, it would have been good to actually land a YFT in the first place!
bludgin' since 94'
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tuna* hhahahahhaha
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
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well done
We fished that beach a couple of times , lost a few nice fish (black fin jumping and rolling the bite trace/leader ) never landed a shark that trip ..... just got busted off, hooks pulling .... etc .
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Date Joined: 22/02/07
Yeah. that was the only one
Yeah. that was the only one I got. we were getting sharked on every fish we hooked from Garths though. some 5m bronzies out there..... no tigers though.....
bludgin' since 94'
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Settle down liam ; )
Settle down liam ; )
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Also to find some friends to
Also to find some friends to fish with i have no friends
so i woould like to go lb with some people somewhere around perth
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The LBG club is almost up and running, you will meet plenty of new friends to fish with in Perth.
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
Almost there buddy - and then
Almost there buddy - and then dont forget that the holiday season is coming up - after the 12th of Dec I am looking to spend quite a few nights on the prowl for some major stretches............. soon mate!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
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wheres the photos of this big spaniard, didnt see it on FB????
no photo = no fish lol
Posts: 3712
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I was just saying that it
I was just saying that it was on my list. The biggest spaniard I got was only about 9kg.
bludgin' since 94'
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9kg eh?;)
9kg eh?
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the one that got sharked!
the one that got sharked! you saw it, i reckon it was about 9kg
bludgin' since 94'
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Its just that you said you
Its just that you said you 'got' the fish.
I got a 100kg marlin on 6lb, no wait I hooked one. My bad :/
You're a good kid.
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SIGH. so glad i wont have to
SIGH. so glad i wont have to hear you say that until I start work haha.
bludgin' since 94'
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yep Leemo just re-read, your spaniard is the size I live bait for tailor
Nah just kidding, the fish are smaller up there in summer, are you ready for a winter trip now
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hoping to get in a nice
hoping to get in a nice mulloway as ive only ever caught around the 6-7kg mark and hopefully get to test out the new LBG rod on a few shark species hopefully we will get some good wind to get a balloon out... anyone keen on doing a few all nighters on the beach???
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
There will be quite a few
There will be quite a few coming up during the holiday break - just keep checking the thread.
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 118
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some more land based pinkies, after the my first size one, im addicted to it!
Posts: 92
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i certainly will blue always
i certainly will blue always looking to get out with a few keen fishos considering the mates have a chain and ball
pom down under
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im keen for a some night
im keen for a some night seshes, but will need alift if not near rockingham
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need to doa session down at
need to doa session down at asi jetty a few of us should meet there and walk out
pom down under
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wat jetty ?
wat jetty ?
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the ASI.
the ASI.
bludgin' since 94'
pom down under
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YEr, i know that but where
YEr, i know that but where is it and what dose it stand for ?
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cockburn sound or theres the
cockburn sound
or theres the horse beach in kwinnana i know they get sharks ect from there
just downt he road from budget choose servo on rockingham road
Posts: 336
Date Joined: 31/08/09
My species for a
My species for a landbased
Large Baldie - aiming at over 55cm
Tuna or mackie spinning lures.
Yellow tail King.
Mulloway over 22.6796KG.
Posts: 181
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Landbased, decent brunette
Landbased, decent brunette
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Longer rod
Use the purglas 499 lol
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
LOL - I dont know whether
LOL - I dont know whether "that type of tackle" will catch the brunette!!??
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 181
Date Joined: 07/12/08
Rig using the purglass would
Rig using the purglass would be like clubbing an animal, not sporting
Probably local a tailor to crack my 3kg mark locally, and a decent mully but dont really have the patience to sit round for that in perth so may need to head northish for that one
Posts: 67
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My list
Landing anything on a lure. Close to 25 years fishing and never landed anything on a lure. Had hook ups but never landed one. (Strange I know)
My First Mulloway,
First Shark,
PB Salmon. Over 7kg.
Posts: 162
Date Joined: 30/05/11
catching the bloody elusive
catching the bloody elusive mulla, already put in enough hours for one
also hooking a land based mackie would be up there
1 from the beach is worth 10 from a boat