last fish before the ban

Headed out to 60m yesterday with a couple mates for a fish before the demersal ban. Admittedly I have been in a form slump with fishing so this was my last chance to redeem for some time. Ended up bagging out on demersals by lunch time on Queen Snapper, Dhu fish, Black Ass and Baldy plus a couple thumper king George as a bonus. The Baldy went 53cm so was a nice fish and my first decent baldy. We have caught a lot of Baldy's off our boat but always the other boys who get them so I was happy to get my first decent one. The strange thing is I am always the one who catches the dhu fish including the one pictured - normally don't keep them at this size ~55cm but this one had one hook in its eye and the other in it's stomach so decided to keep it. I released 6-8 more in the 45-55cm range, couldn't find a big one, I caught every single dhu landed, very strange how fishing works sometimes.


I also got a meter plus sambo that gave a good account of itself. 


Checked at the ramp by fisheries which is always good. The girl doing the checks could have done with a smile and a better attitude but that's ok when everything is the way it should be.


Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

  freezer stacked time to

Sun, 2015-10-11 07:10

  freezer stacked time to hunt sambos and more of those kg's

Scotte's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 07/12/06

 Ha ha thats a great skill to

Sun, 2015-10-11 07:48

 Ha ha thats a great skill to have and something your  deckies will be very jelious of. Good bag too mate.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Nice bag! Love the colour of

Sun, 2015-10-11 09:36

 Nice bag! Love the colour of the Baldy. She was probably jealous mate and spewing she hadn't made a bust all day lol.


Love the West!

Noxious's picture

Posts: 504

Date Joined: 22/12/11

 Thanks boys, always good to

Sun, 2015-10-11 13:49

 Thanks boys, always good to get a nice mixed bag.

Sea-kem ; yeah could have been some Sunday fishing envy. 

Chinbald's picture

Posts: 317

Date Joined: 21/02/09

Great fish

Sun, 2015-10-11 14:09

Would love to know more about the red Vs blue Baldies, normally the red ones we get are the smaller ones but that one is a cracker.

Noxious's picture

Posts: 504

Date Joined: 22/12/11

 My anecdotal evidence is it

Sun, 2015-10-11 14:27

 My anecdotal evidence is it is related to the ground they come off, whether it is an adaptation to surrounding or the diet of the area.

I find the inshore ones to be much darker/brown the ones we pull off the ground that this one was caught off are either red or cream, usually red.

duncan61's picture

Posts: 376

Date Joined: 21/11/14


Sun, 2015-10-11 21:32

I have only met fisheries when I lived in yarloop and rowlands and was marroning.They do come across dissapointed when you have your licence and gauge around your neck and have good size marron in your bag.I was involved in the log book keeping when it was happening in 2000,s I guess its human nature that they cant bust you for something.great bag you put in the effort to go that deep and fished by the conservation rules.


just do it.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 Nice m8

Mon, 2015-10-12 03:14

 Nice m8