Legal requirements for towing boat trailers, Need your help
Submitted by Sea Hawk on Sun, 2016-03-27 15:12
Ive been sifting through the website trying to get my head around all the regulations on max braked and ATM and GTM and vehicles to tow them. ( I saw on the transport site something about taking the weight thats on the tow ball off the ATM to end up with the gross weight, but now i cant find it again, got me buggered ).
My boat and trailer weighs 2600kg, my Prado has a max rating of 2500kg to tow a braked trailer. If i could subtract the weight on the tow bar it might make my Prado legal to tow it, or swap the Prado for a Landcruiser ?
Also has anyone here put the fancy braked system onto an old trailer, what would that cost me?
Just trying to weigh up my options here ?
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Nope need a car capable of
Nope need a car capable of towing the total boat and trailer weight. The bar weight is included in the total towing weight.
In respect to the fancy breaking for over 2000kgs it wont be cheap. 1200 for a hydrastar and breakaway 300ish for brake lines and about $400 per set of brakes. Plus all the little bits depending on what you have now?
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 16/10/09
Defenatly cant be towed with
Defenatly cant be towed with the prado legally you need to either get it to 2500kg or get a new car with the rated capacity and to your other question as above approx 2k if you install it yourself and prob close to2700-3000 of done by trailer shop and dont forget you then need the comtroller in the car.
Posts: 126
Date Joined: 25/09/07
Mine weighs 2700 no fuel
Mine weighs 2700 no fuel just put brakes on it cost 2600$ in parts and Neal took 12 hours to fit em with me with the whip out
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