Looking for deckhands that fit description ?
Submitted by scubafish on Tue, 2013-04-23 14:55
http://www.mby.com/spot-the-boat/533919/spot-the-boat http://mby.media.ipcdigital.co.uk/9092/0000019a1/3569/Spot-the-boat-020312.jpg
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Not sure about spotting the
Not sure about spotting the boat, but I can spot two sets of floatation devices.
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
I can't say I fit the
I can't say I fit the description, expecially with a shaved head and a Moe/Goatee, but you're welcome to stare at my Moobs!
Posts: 170
Date Joined: 27/10/11
Very Nice :P