Low Life Scum
Just got told by sister in law that some low life scum has walked into their garage and taken brother in-laws fishing gear, tackle bag, rods reels etc, and gone through their car too. She was in and out of the garage all morning and the scum waited till she put the babies down for a nap and went in. Sick of these low lifes taking advantage of hard working people cause they can't be arsed getting off the drugs and finding work, and stealing gear that people have worked hard to get. Think it is time the police start targeting these low life scum instead of...well lets say bikies.
There is obviously a market out there for fishing gear, recent tackle shop raping goes to prove this too. So if anyone sees some cheap fishing gear for sale let me know, we are talking Sustains, older Mitchell reels, abu Sorons stx, beach rods, LOX rods, daiwa reels. Can't give you specifics of them all but i know for sure he had a 10000 sustain and lox iridium rod, cause i bought them for his birthday. Luckily they didn't try to get into the house, cause i think the sister in law would have been scared to death. Let's just hope the cops can find out who these crack heads are. rant over.
to fish or not to fish...as if there was an option.
ace rimmer
Posts: 187
Date Joined: 19/08/13
they steal the stuff to buy drug's off the bikies so to say the police shouldn't be targeting bikies doesn't seem right to me cheers ACE
Posts: 169
Date Joined: 14/10/10
fair enough, but i meant in
fair enough, but i meant in regards to the amount of publicity the bikie issue has with the cops and media. Why don't the cops and media target these type of criminals and get more hype about it? I am quite certain that more than 1 person has been affected by these sum, woodie jetty comes to mind, how many people's cars been broken into etc.
to fish or not to fish...as if there was an option.
Posts: 1009
Date Joined: 05/10/12
Either way it once again shows
that the laws need to be tougher..
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Reason is is that there are
Reason is is that there are so many of these types of crimes the cops can't keep up with them. I hear about break ins from people I know just about every day. Shit I even lock my car when I'm shooting in to buy the paper. This type of scum bag shit is everywhere.
Love the West!
Posts: 1578
Date Joined: 19/04/07
Don't trust anyone
After living overseas I even lock my car when I'm IN it.
Handbag usually sits on the passenger front seat, easy pickings ;)
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Got back to boat ramp
Got back to boat ramp yesterday arvo, and a boat was half on trailer but not moving.
pulled up on the other side and the skipper of the other boat said he can't move as some lowlife had pinched all the split pins out of his rollers on the trailer! As he was winching up the rollers started coming off!
I went out fairly late and the people I saw hanging around the ramp were backpackers!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
not good at all . altho its
not good at all . altho its not always the low lifes that do this sort of thing. there are people out there that are well off and do this shit just for kicks. they have money for drugs or booze but they are just bored.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together