Mandurah Volunteer Marine Rescue

 Wish to make a plug for MVMR group, of which I am a member. Embarassinlgy I ran out of fuel 10km offshore 2days ago ( my only defence - the fuel guage showed fuel on board of 57 litres). The recovery precedure was both effecient and professional. At no stage did any of the MVMR group make me feel like an idiot as much as I felt I was. The cost of the excersise, was my consideration of making a donation which will be gratefully made.

Given the experience, I can thoroughly recommend  membership, which at $20.00,  needs no further comment.

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

Same from me

Wed, 2015-12-02 15:42

 They towed me in a couple of weeks ago when my engine died.

 Very well drilled team, very polite - top blokes 

 And they do it all for the love of it - God bless em  

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

Further to this

Wed, 2015-12-02 16:51

 Many of us made comments recently about the guys who were rescued off Mandurah late at night

 Nearly all the comments were about it being a bit sus- them being out there at that time 

 I agree - Its a bit sus

 However we should also acknowledge that some very decent selfless people got out of their comfy beds

 and risked their own lives to rescue them

 Three cheers for you guys  - who ever you are  


Posts: 215

Date Joined: 14/06/12


Wed, 2015-12-02 21:44

 Awesome group of people giving selflessly...

Jackalchub's picture

Posts: 599

Date Joined: 10/03/12

 Absolute champs, super

Thu, 2015-12-03 13:01

 Absolute champs, super responsive and polite