maybe the GWS is copping it for another shark

the GWS gets blamed for every attack down our coast , funny thing last year with the drum lines in what where they catching , it was tiger sharks . the thing is tigers are a tropical shark not usualy seen in the metro area . The drum lines were pulling 5 to 6 foot tigers well i have seen 16 foot tigers and was charged by a 14 foot tiger at black ledge of onslow , so just my opionin but now that the tigers have migrated south maybe it is tigers that are taking divers and surfers and maybe not just GWS

Jayden20's picture

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Hasnt it been tested and

Tue, 2015-01-06 05:43

Hasnt it been tested and proven that the great white would prefer a live bait? Like a live human?

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well in my opinion

Tue, 2015-01-06 05:45

the drum lines that they did put in were at the wrong time of year as the water temp was warmer than the GWS comfort zone. No hard and fast rules with great whites and they can turn up anywhere but the major population would have retreated to colder water to feed.



silly's picture

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Match the hatch

Tue, 2015-01-06 08:03

 Probably better if they did that during whale migration, Cockburn sound spawning too.

 doesn't help when they were targeting GWS on drum lines with blue macks as bait.. (Photos were going around on here before). 

Tigers eat everything and anything, whites are naturally hunters which targets bigger prey.. If they started using bigger baits or trolling around something resembling a seal they might get a bite! Think about air jaws, they trolled around a foam seal for hours and hours with no hit, then they ties a rag onto the foam seal to make it look like it was injured and bang! Instant hookup.

Doubt a tiger would go for a bigger prey unless it was an easy meal or fired up (burleying, spearing etc).

carnarvonite's picture

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Tue, 2015-01-06 06:11

there has always been tigers down south and all year round too.
How is it that white pointers have been seen north of Exmouth in warm water when they are supposedly colder water sharks

Dale's picture

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Tue, 2015-01-06 07:42

 And here's me thinking you were talking about Greater Western Sydney. 


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



crasny1's picture

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LOL Dale

Tue, 2015-01-06 08:00

Isnt it a little early for Footy banter


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crasny1's picture

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The blame isnt just aimed at

Tue, 2015-01-06 08:12

The blame isnt just aimed at a shark. It is investigated by the bite radius and teeth pattern. Pretty easy for a scientist in the know to ID which shark bit someone/thing.

The question however is valid for missing people presumed taken by a shark and nothing recovered (which as I recall has only happened once). All you can go on is odds.

GWS are active hunters compared with the more lazy Tigers. I wont put a foot in GWS waters after my little encounter years ago, but hold little fear of tigers. The tiger is more off an opportunitic feeder as can be seen by their diet. Anything is possible, but usually are slow or dead. However I would want to ask the Monkey Mia dolphins about tigers, so they can "hunt".

But the numbers game alone shows the GWS should and is more feared/fearsome purely because tigers are almost everywhere in WA, and GWS are (mostly) concentrated in the SW corner. There are presumably fever GWS's than tigers, hence the catch rate and no total protection. But the attack rate favours GW's much more.

JMO based on poor science


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uncle's picture

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last year they found a body

Tue, 2015-01-06 09:14

and were investegating wether it was a GW,bathers were torn or something, what happened with that, not sure what the point is blaming something else!!


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

MattMiller's picture

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Drum lines

Tue, 2015-01-06 09:29

were set too late in the season and used incorrect bait.

They should collect some 'bait' from these whale carcasses they seem to have trouble disposing of. Then set the lines nearby.

They would actually catch GW if they set the lines Sept-Dec IMO. It seems there was never an intntion to do so.

Total publicity stunt which we all paid for

carnarvonite's picture

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Whale meat

Tue, 2015-01-06 09:34

It is against the law to take anything off a whale carcass so that source of bait is a big no no.
Seem to remember something about a couple for some blokes who used a chain saw down around Bremer to cut the jaws off a humpback on the beach and got hefty fines for their trouble

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Tue, 2015-01-06 09:36

well aware of that but its also against the law to fish for GW.

2 wrongs make a right?

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Tue, 2015-01-06 09:43

Anything is possible if your name is Emperor Barnett

Lastchance's picture

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Where did you see the '16

Tue, 2015-01-06 11:06

Where did you see the '16 footer', Petermac?

crasny1's picture

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Bet it was off karratha

Tue, 2015-01-06 11:21

Seen a few 12ft plus ones near the boat off dampier, and whilst collecting bait with a throw net off Back Beach a massive Tiger (or even possibly a GW!!!!???) cruised by on the incoming tide about 20m off the Rocks. This fish was easily 5m and was witnessed by quite a few baitcollectors/prawners there at the time. Dorsal was huge and looked Tigerish, but was the biggest shark I have ever seen in the flesh by miles.


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years ago

Wed, 2015-01-07 22:05

years ago I was crabbing of the karratha back beach when I noticed one of my crab floats disappearing into the distance , my mate managed to grab the float and after about a 20 minute wrestling match saw a 14 foot tiger come to the surface , we both were gob smacked as it was tangled up in the wire rings of the drop net we decided to cut as much net and rope of it we could , the funny thing it was FeNacl fishing comp that weekend and my mate said to me later " wonder what line class we could have weighed that tiger in "

carnarvonite's picture

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Common Occurrence

Thu, 2015-01-08 06:26

That's a common occurrence here in Carnarvon with you having to chase after your nets with tigers trying to have a free feed, though the dolphins in Bunbury harbour a bait thieves at least they don't mangle your nets.

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i have never seen

Thu, 2015-01-08 19:08

I have never seen a GWS in the Pilbara , I have seen plenty of agro tigers and big reefys though , back in the day we used to tow our speared fish around on a float which looking back on it didn't help and I wouldn't do these days . I once shot an over inquisitive reefy about 10 foot with the floppers on my spear folded back so the spear wouldn't stick in it , we all jumped on the boat and moved about mile down the reef we were diving again and what do I see about 30 minutes later but a 10 foot reefy with a wound to its head (like a spear had done it )so I do believe they will follow a boat

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i have seen a few

Tue, 2015-01-06 19:00

i have seen a few 16 foot tigers in the northwest mainly around the reefs of onslow , and some one said they are basicly a lazy shark , well you dont get to 16 foot unless you are the top preditior in the area , and just for the record a pearl diver was taken by a tiger at a pearl farm about 25 years ago of broome

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Don't dismiss the tiger

Tue, 2015-01-06 11:16

As I have said before if you go to the Perth museum they have a good specimen of a tiger shark preserved in their collection. This shark is reported to be responsible for an attack at Cottesloe beach way back in the late 40s I think it was.
Big sharks like big chunks of food, a no brainer right. Gws like to eat seals and whales, so tell me why people like to dress up as seals when they go spearfishing in waters that are known to be frequented by gws.
Black wet suits split flippers, hey it looks like a seal it swims like a seal I'll see if it tastes like a seal, aaaarh no it doesn't taste like a seal not enough fat on it.
As a non diver I'm just saying how I see things please don't go on about I'm a save the world from the wicked human race, I.m noI.
I'm just saying how it looks to me, as a professor on an old television show used to say "why is it so."

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that would have been

Tue, 2015-01-06 19:03

that would have been professor Julius Sunder Miller loved his show when i was a kid

opsrey's picture

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Plenty of GWS caught by Fisheries

Tue, 2015-01-06 11:45

 Don't worry Bout the Fisheries boys/girls. They catch plenty of Great Whites, but only when they are putting tags in them.

no need for special baits, or special moon phases, or much else. So long as they are putting tags in the Fisheries group are vey good at catching GWS.

Paul H's picture

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Whilst the bigger ones do

Tue, 2015-01-06 12:18

Whilst the bigger ones do target seals and whales a GW will have no problem in eating a tuna if it comes across a dead or injured one.  That's what they used around Neptune Island to attract them to the cages with the shark diving.


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