Missus with a barramundi cod

 Clearly not too impressed by her capture. Another catch she's got.on me. Pretty rare fish??


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

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sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

Great looking fish, could'a

Wed, 2016-07-20 20:00

Great looking fish, could'a been a great pic with sun on it.



Love the West!

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Good size one. Don't see

Wed, 2016-07-20 20:11

 Good size one. Don't see them too much bigger.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

Yea would have looked awesome with

Wed, 2016-07-20 20:58

 The sun on it but we were anchored. 


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

Yewiefish85's picture

Posts: 795

Date Joined: 02/01/11

 Have caught a few off the

Thu, 2016-07-21 04:40

 Have caught a few off the Broome jetty but nothing that size, well done to your Mrs, did you eat it or let it go?, have never got one decent enough size to try

crano's picture

Posts: 713

Date Joined: 04/11/09

Ayers rock

Thu, 2016-07-21 18:41

 Often see them when snorkelling at ayers rock at coral bay along with some thumping trout

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

let it go because didnt know

Thu, 2016-07-21 20:58

the size limit but its meant to be 4 star fish


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10


Sun, 2016-08-21 22:01
