Monkey Mia with the boys
Did a quick fire trip upto Denham with my 15 and 17 year old boys just after Christmas. As expected very windy so spent 4 days fishing Monkey Mia. Tides not really in our favour as high tide was pretty late but went out regardless.
Took the boat all the way upto Peron and fished a small coral outcrop that has performed well in the past, struggled to get a bait past the Spanish flag, kept a couple of good ones though and a couple of Blackies and then headed back towards Monkey Mia.
Ended up fishing out of Cape Rose and picked up some School Mack and got absolutely hammered by big Forktail catties, all the catties went back.
Fished Faure on the last day for zip and headed back to Cape Rose and sat on the pick for a few hours and picked up a couple of good size Golden Trevally and some more school Mack.
Ate the Trevally fresh and was reasonable, gave some to some tourists who were wrapped.
After travelling reasonable distances to Peron and Faure we ended up getting most of our keepers within 3kms of Monkey Mia!!!! Typical hey.
Kids had a blast, they've pretty much made the transition from berry pickers to hunters, both have got the fishing bug and a becoming great young men.
Hope this helps others making the trip up
Cheers Marty
Posts: 9512
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Would of been fun
With the boys
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 03/04/17
I love Denham and the whole
I love Denham and the whole shark bay area. Only done two trips up there, a week each. April and July 2017.
First time was pretty windy so spent all the time launching out of Monkey Mia. We found drifting the channels the most productive up there, over near Faure Island. Although we did go searching for bluebone in july up near the cape..... couldnt get a bloody bait past the pinkies..... which was a bummer being closed season for them.
We did pick up some mackerel and tuna just north of Monkey Mia, out from the oyster leases. Such an amazing area, and great spot to do some fishing :) I found april was definitely better for us though with variety of catch.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
sounds like you had fun
sounds like you had fun despite the winds. been there a couple of times but in middle of the year. always fished turtle bay area and never missed.
couple of nice trevs there, they do go hard
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 03/04/17
Turtle Bay is a spot that
Turtle Bay is a spot that we'd hoped to get to, but the weather was never quite good enough to go there, the return was always going to be crap!