monkey mia march 24

so overdue report for the trip to monkey mia end of march.

was a cyclone offshore up at exmouth, so trip was looking a bit dicey as weather report was changing every day. luckily moved furtehr offshore woithout too much effect, but unfortunately made for a lot of wind all week. most days quite a lot of southerly whcih made finding a shletered spot a bit difficult, but the boat handled things amazingly so still managed some good fishing.

trip started off a bit tumultous, after onbly getting the boat 3 weeks before, i had a hell of a task getting it run in and getting its 20 hours  and first service done before leaving. throw in some dickly trialer/brake lights (flled with water after 2 dunks) that needed fixing, and weighing, gvm upgrade for the car, made for some busy weeks leading up to it!

drove t lancelin on the firday with the aim to depart at 3:30am to get up there early arvo. drove to lano and found brand new airbag deflated on l side. strnage as filled before i left. got under the car, and found they had left massive loop of cable and strapped it right next to the exhaust, so it had melted clean thorugh!/ luckily enough cable left for me to jimmy a reattachment and get them working.

drive up uneventful. towed really well, averaged about 22l/100km. slow on the hills etc, but crusing speed didnt know the boat was there.

arvo we arrived was glamour conditions, but only had 2-3 hours before sunset to test the boat out. went close and swarmed by silver cobbler and small black snapper.

unfortnately rest of the trip was windy as hell! managed to get to some of mya marks 9have only fihsed here twice before) for a good session of rankin cod.

found numeorus tuna busting up, managed to get 3 around the 15kg mark before they got spooked, kept 1, let the rest go.

next day was a write off, ripping southery ruined everything.

one day ut denham side motored to levelian schoals heading to some markes north of dirk hartog, but then relaised didnt have as much fuel in reserve as i would like, so couldnt get to where i wanted (was still getting used to the fuel consumption etc). but managed ot pick up a good cobia on a floating mulie. thorugh was  a shark at first, so stoked when got closer to the baot.

some mroe rankin, cod, then back to the ramp nice and slow to conserve fuel.

hepas of turles and sharks seen.

out form mobkey mia side next day came on a school of big golden trevally. tripple hookups. bloody good fun, and then they were gone. kept 1.

lots of bonito schools.

heaps of school mackerel .

lots and lots of silver cobbler lol.


highlight was having the floater go off, then mate thought was nothing on, but was just swimming towards us. gave it a good yank and a bloody tiger shark jumped clean out of the water, head and tail. then screamed off into the distance like a freight traiin. quickly cut the line.

that image is burned into my brain.

weather made for some beautiful sunsets/scenery.

flies were atrocius.


all in all trip was great, first dedicated fishing trip i have done, so was a bit of learning.

apart form some sooky deckies giving attitude, it was a fun trip

amazing place, and cant wait to get back there . would love to experience it with some good weather. think next time will likley take the family instead of a boys fishing trips. Either that or let someone else do all the work/supply the boat/car etc! lol!

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straith's picture

Posts: 420

Date Joined: 25/11/13

glad you got to baptise the

Mon, 2024-04-22 15:41

glad you got to baptise the new baby mate, yeah i can relate re sooky deckies, organising a boys trip you soon find not all are boys lol.


Always better to go with known quantities but how do you find them if you dont try them?


with my 1st trip to Denham with my boat planned next month I'm very encouraged by your report, Ill take blackys, cobia and Rankin any day.

Thx for the report

Bradmac73's picture

Posts: 197

Date Joined: 22/03/17

Well done

Mon, 2024-04-22 16:48


Thanks for the write up SG, good looking rig, reckon there's lots more fun times to be had ahead on that. made the best of not perfect weather by the sounds. Well done on the rankins, I've been looking for them at Denham and MM for years and yet to land a single one.   Heading back up again in 5 weeks so will give them yet another crack.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 14930

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Great write up mate, those

Mon, 2024-04-22 20:12

 Great write up mate, those Cobia go hard on lighter gear. Surprised you didn't pick up a Mackie on the floaters. 

As for deckies I'm very selective as they can literally be a lliability. Week and a half and we're off to Gnaraloo few guys off the site are there now and they have some good weather coming up. 


Love the West!