New addition to jazz charters

 So Drew asked if I could cut him a peice of cutting board for his rather sad looking aluminum bait board that came with the boat. I decided that with the $$ that jazz4is worth and the great looking boat that it is this bait board was simply not up to the standard it should have been. So with a week of my efforts some quality jarrah from bunnings and some other bling I created this! I am pretty chuffed to say the least! It came out amazing! Now I can't wait to blood it! Thanks for reading! Ads


 A1 quality plasterboard installed if needed shops offices housing u won't find better quality or value with my work! Ceiling master!

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tot's picture

Posts: 1162

Date Joined: 31/01/10

looks the goods

Fri, 2014-01-03 17:58

good thing you took pics now cause in a month I don't think you will recognize it!


Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

That's pretty swish

Fri, 2014-01-03 17:59

great looking station

Posts: 286

Date Joined: 07/04/09

 Cheers now there is no need

Fri, 2014-01-03 18:17

 Cheers now there is no need to be like that tot lol if it doesn't get looked after there will be a death lol!on a serious note it should be very hard wearing with 10 coats of 2 pack! Also will be adding some led light strips once installed on the boat and there is 10 heavy duty magnets recessed and fibreglassed to the underside of the shelf to hold knifes! 


 A1 quality plasterboard installed if needed shops offices housing u won't find better quality or value with my work! Ceiling master!

sandbar's picture

Posts: 704

Date Joined: 25/10/09

 Very nice, with stubbies

Fri, 2014-01-03 18:07

 Very nice, with stubbies holders.


Is the jarrah just oiled and not varnished?

sandbar's picture

Posts: 704

Date Joined: 25/10/09

 Oops, my post went in just

Fri, 2014-01-03 18:09

 Oops, my post went in just after yoou say 10coats of 2pack.

Jazz Charters's picture

Posts: 57

Date Joined: 13/10/10

 Cheers Adam l can't wait to

Fri, 2014-01-03 18:21

 Cheers Adam l can't wait to see how good you workmanship is as you know it going to get a workout. Looks killa love your work. 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

looks pretty flash especially

Fri, 2014-01-03 20:05

looks pretty flash especially for a boat.well done, your name says it all . flash as. lol. now for the blooding unless it has some of yours on it already lol


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 286

Date Joined: 07/04/09

 No blood plenty of sweat and

Sat, 2014-01-04 13:25

 No blood plenty of sweat and probably some skin from the hours of sanding! Thanks Russ 


 A1 quality plasterboard installed if needed shops offices housing u won't find better quality or value with my work! Ceiling master!