new to yellow fin whiting popping

Hey fish-o's,

Recently a good mate of mine tooke me on my first outing targeting yellow fin whiting on poppers. i have caught heaps of yellow fin before but always on bait..... I never had any luck on lures until yesterday. I had some success due to his guidance on how to use lures properly and now im hooked (mind the pun) its all i can think about.

I was wondering if i could get peoples opinions on retrieval techniques and what works best for you. Im not asking for spots to fish. just what you may have learned in your time targeting these little pocket rockets of the shallows.

Thanks in advance!



the greatest trick a fish ever did, was convincing man that they werent there....

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

Nothing like watching those

Fri, 2018-01-05 18:28

Nothing like watching those surface swipes before your lures sinks.

Think panicking prawn and that's the action that gets them going. I personally have a 1-2kg rod and it only takes a flick of the wrist to get the action going.

Best lures to have are the Skinnypop Jr (popper), Sugarpen (popper or walker), EBI Panick (popper) and Berkley have great cheaper ones in the Popdog (popper), Scumdog (walker).

If all else fails you can get them subsurface on the Ecogear SX40 or the Ecogear ZX40.

I've generally found that if you're getting blowies you're retrieving too slow and pausing generally spooks them.

Hope that helps and don't forget to take a crab scoop out too.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

 Rod tip high, constant wind

Fri, 2018-01-05 18:55

 Rod tip high, constant wind and constant twitching of the rod tip to get it splashing a bit rather than just slow rolled on the surface.

A slow walk the dog with the sugapen works well. 

I take trebbles off replace with trailing assists off the rear and remove any of those black and red tassels that usually come with the assists, noticed a massive strike rate difference removing them


Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

Date Joined: 03/05/08

Be flexible...

Fri, 2018-01-05 20:11

 ...early in the day, subsurface lures like the above mentioned ZX have been the goer, with the topwater stuff gaining interest mid morning.

Type of retrieve, in my view, is critical. "Walking" lures like Sugapen, Panic, Skinnypop, Atomic K9 require a methodical, steady twitching, using a flick of the wrist. Shorter rods, around six foot, are ideal for this as you can point the tip towards the water and let gravity do half the work. And when you see fish come up after the lure...maintain your retrieve. Stopping/pausing usually puts them off.


Using a blade like a ZX (Ecogear makes them in 30/35 sizes as well as 40) I like a "horizontal jigging" retrieve. Lift lure off bottom with one big rod sweep, let it fall back down, wind up slack, repeat.


Main rule, like any lure fishing, is to be confident that you'll catch. You'll gradually work out all the subtle little tricks and techniques that will help you maximise your catch!

Steve911's picture

Posts: 47

Date Joined: 04/07/08

 Thanks for the reply guys.

Fri, 2018-01-05 20:52

 Thanks for the reply guys. Great info!


the greatest trick a fish ever did, was convincing man that they werent there....