Newbie advice for abrohlos trip
Submitted by field on Mon, 2013-04-08 14:39
Hi Guys
we want to take a 80ft mothership up and park it in a nice sheltered lagoon assuming such exists and bascially leave it there for 2 weeks and use trailer boats to explore and fish
can anybody suggest the best spot to moor up that is close to places of interest? were thinking the most southerly group Pelsart seems has the best layout. Are there any in situ moorings there that could be used? None of us have been there before, planning on leaving in early May
many thanks for any suggestions dave
Dave Hancock
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Everywhere is a place of
Everywhere is a place of interest over there!, and the Fisheries website and brochures list the public moorings.
Though 80 foot may be outside the registered limits of them depending on tonnage.
Kinda sounds like you have a bit bit of research to do though, there is a few threads on here from recently that will be of interest to you.
A word of advice though-a big boat, inexperienced skipper (not sayin this is the case) and Abrolhos limestone/coral can be a treacherous combination as many areas of the Sthn Grp are not accurately or adequately charted.
Easter Group is better surveyed but still requires navigation by sight on the inside and comes from flat 25 meters plus to 50cm vertically in many places.
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Avoid sthn group
If you have a big boat I would be going straight to wallabies and parking up at turtle bay a lot easier to get into.
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 06/02/11
cheers for advice
cheers for advice guys
without consulting a chart Turtle looks to be totally exposed to the north, is that the case? weve found the list of moorings and will start scouting around, has anybody used the mooring at Morley Island in the easter group?
we're pretty comfortable getting into most places even in the big boat, actually put an expensive forward looking sonar in her in the hope we'd get her to the Abs and maybe Kimberlys this year, but not knowing the location good to hear others thoughts on the best possible anchorage so we dont have to cover lots of ground when we get there
Dave Hancock
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
was there last weekend
next door to Morley is Wooded, which has a much nicer beach etc I reckon.
Top pic you can see the boats on moorings behind
Easy to get to the moorings, sheltered from East and south
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Paul G
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