Nice Flounder

Hey FW Crew, just thought I'd share last Saturday's catch. Nice size flounder from about 10m off the beach (Palm Beach) on the gidgee while snorkelling.

Made a nice dinner with chips for me & my two boys. Have seen a few out there lately, just lucky I had the gidgee this time round. Also scored three occy's, which my boss has been pickling. Tried the first batch today and it was tasty as, although perhaps a bit tough.




Ron Ashcroft's picture

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Hey Browndog the best way ive

Wed, 2014-01-22 19:06

Hey Browndog the best way ive eaten occy is blanch it in boiling water for about 1 minute slide you hand down each tentacle taking off skin beat slightly with a meat cleaver then egg and breadcrumbs with your choice of herbs an spices(garlic pepper)then shallow fry.Mudich

Browndog's picture

Posts: 590

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Thanks for the tip

Wed, 2014-01-22 19:13

Cheers Ron, will give that a crack. Seems to be no shortage of them down that way.


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how do you

Wed, 2014-01-22 19:10

how do you clean those buggers (flounder)

Browndog's picture

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Wed, 2014-01-22 19:15

Hi PM.

I simply scaled him, lopped his head of and cleaned out the gut cavity with fingers. Send Mrs Browndog to the local shop for some chips and then straight into a pan. Nyom nyom nyom :)


Tradewind's picture

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Caught a ripper in 35m on

Wed, 2014-01-22 21:12

Caught a ripper in 35m on saturday as a bycatch but took it home due to shortage of other fish

I cheated and looked up youtube.
Basically scale the fish, take off the head in a diamond shape, remove guts then a slit down the middle (Either side) and fillet outwards on each side.

You do this on both sides and end up with 4 fillets

Bit of fiddling but very tasty

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I reckon head and gut them.

Wed, 2014-01-22 21:45

I reckon head and gut them. then throw them straight onto the pan. doing anything else will lose too much meat. and you don't want to do that. one of the best tasting fish I have ever eaten!


Fish! HARD!

Notorious's picture

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 Nice flounderBloody hard to

Wed, 2014-01-22 21:29

 Nice flounder

Bloody hard to see when diving, good effort!


Notorious's picture

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 I normally do them whole in

Wed, 2014-01-22 21:30

 I normally do them whole in a pan, too delicate to fillet and the meat is too nice to waste any of it imo


Browndog's picture

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Wed, 2014-01-22 22:18

 Haha, yes they are tricky to spot. When I first saw this guy I didn't have the gidgie, had to go back to the beach and get it. When I got back he had moved about 2 feet from where I spotted him, but took me a while to find him again.


Agree with not filleting, too fiddly. Cook whole, eat one side then pull out the backbone (comes out in one piece) turn over, and finish it off. Some nice chips, a coldie and it's all good!


Guardy's picture

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Stab them with a knife

Thu, 2014-01-23 09:24

 I was doing a dive in Halifax, Nova Scotia, harbour many years ago (40+) and came across heaps of them lying in the mud. Didn't have a gidgy with me so stabbed them with my knife. Must have got at least 10 before I ran out of air. Nice tasting for sure. Fed me and the rest of our dive team nicely that night.

quadfisher's picture

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Occy straps?

Thu, 2014-01-23 12:15

 Browndog , I have a small cottage industry around pickled occy , haha

and have been giving some to friends and family whilst improving my batchs.

Best way so far , and as said on here before is to freeze for a week before boiling , no wacking required.

I got some hell strange looks before xmas , throwing occys around my clean , wetted down concrete driveway, from the niehgbours

and some chicks out exercising, so freezings best.I boil them , 2 at a time for around a hour , the skin and suckers just wipe off , cut into chunks,

and pickle in white malt vinegar,90% , 10% oil, canola or grapeseed best , not olive, and add a couple of big spoonfuls of sweet chilli sauce,

honey , onion, and some blackpeppers , leave for 1 or 2 days and stand back !




Tradewind's picture

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Sounds bloody tasty Quad Does

Thu, 2014-01-23 12:17

Sounds bloody tasty Quad


Does the boiling for an hour remove a lot of the taste though?

axey45's picture

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 Nah, i do it that way if big

Thu, 2014-01-23 12:34

 Nah, i do it that way if big enough, if small just cut up into bite size leave suckers n skin salt n pepper ocko with a few brews, was living on them but ran out got to go diving again, heaps around.

quadfisher's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-23 12:40

 forgot to say boil in a mixture of 50% lightly sugared water and 50% malt vinegar with just a splash of the sweet chilli sauce.



Torzar's picture

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Date Joined: 24/04/12

Nice fish mate, good feed

Fri, 2014-01-24 08:51

Nice fish mate, good feed there!