Nice Greenback
Hey Folks
Headed up to S Bend for the weekend with beautiful wind conditions but a huge swell making most of the reef platforms to dangerous to fish which was lucky for me because I left a tray containing most of my poppers at home. Fished some of my favoured beaches and caught quite a few tailor to 2kg, big dart, wobbegong (15 for the weekend), rays and a cobbler. Ringy35 joined me for a few sessions and he got amongst the action catching some of the forementioned species also a shovelnose and a small threadfin salmon that was out of position by several 100 kilometres.
The final morning came and after a small sleep in I tried a spot I had driven past for years and found it to be full of big angry fish. I got reefed twice around a bombie and lost a heap of rigs due to snaggy ground but manged to deck a nice greeenback of 74cm and just under 4kg whole. I gilled and gutted it and entered it into my fishing clubs open competition.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Very nice tailor that one, congrats Rig.
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Date Joined: 22/09/10
that is a thumper mate. What
that is a thumper mate. What rig and bait were you using?
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 30/11/10
solid tailor
solid tailor
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
very nice tailor Rig, well
very nice tailor Rig, well done.
Just out of interest mate, what reel did you you mate with your newly aquired sensor surf?
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
Fishnut I was using a paternoster rig with ganged hooks and big mulies heavy star or impact sinker on the bottom. If It looks snaggy I wont throw my good hooks and expensive sinkers in as this region in notoriously snaggy, baitcast mulies and poppers are also good rigs for this area but the wind was blowing into my face that morning and therer was alot of surface weed so wasnt the best for baitcasting a mulie.
Tony I didnt get to use that rod this weekend as the swell was too big to get on to most rock ledges and cast lures/mulies and Apart from when fishing with Ringy35 I was solo so its not worth the risk when conditions arent suited. I have matched it with a daiwa windcst 5500 which I was using with another rod It should go good.
The rod I caught that tailor on was my bigger sensor surf 1302S matched with a Daiwa Emblem pro, I love this combo and use it for most beach fishing I do. Probably one of the best long landbased rods going round.
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
Cheers Rig,just asking as im
Cheers Rig,
just asking as im picking up the 12ft, 15-30lb sensor tonight and i'll be looking for a reel to mate it with but not sure what to choose yet, just trying to do some research and opinions from people like yourself who already have the sensors.
Cheers again.
Posts: 63
Date Joined: 18/06/11
Nice photo, nice scene, nice
Nice photo, nice scene, nice catec!!
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
Tony I was just in a fishing shop then and had a look at that particular rod, every rod in the range is very good. What sort of fishing are you planning on doing with it?
I would mate a windcast with that rod as they are slightly lighter than the emblem pro and cheaper. the guides are set up on those daiwa rods to match either of those reels
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
Thats a solid tailor Rig -
Thats a solid tailor Rig - damn nice tailor - hoping for x1 myself soon!!
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 2091
Date Joined: 06/07/10
Great tailor there mate.
Great tailor there mate.
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
cool, i also see some1 had a
cool, i also see some1 had a 10ft matched to a stradic 5000.
I picked a sensor up in the shop and it just felt great, so found some good reports about and thought yes thats for me.
Ive already got my heavy duty setup, so was thinking more for lures and a light weight set up for surf fishing the bottom,(as long as swell is not up as cant use that heavy a weight) baitcasting for tailor/salmon etc.
Putting 15-20lb line on the mating reel and having some light action fun, get bored of chucking the heavier gear out sometimes.
What line do you run on yours?
Sorry seemed to of hi-jacked your thread,
cheers for the advice tho.
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
thats ok
yep I was asking becasue That 12ft isnt going to chuck heavy sinkers but its a nice rod. The windcast is a casting designed reel with the longcast spool but probably has slower retrieve than the stradic. A stradic is a decent reel but bearing the mind windcast and sensor surf are designed to be mated together I personally would go with that. I run 30lb braid on my tailor lure casting outfit and 30lb mono on all my heavier beach work
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
yeah defo not for big sinkers
yeah defo not for big sinkers mate, just want it as my lighter rig of my 2 set ups now.
Hopefully be more fun if something nice n heavy wants to play, i'd like to go 15-20 lb braid for fun but i know 30lb is a lot safer, maybe i'll just make sure i'll get 2 spools.
Cheers agin and i'll let you know what i get, if you hear or see of any reel that might fit the bill, please dont hesiate to gimmie a shout.
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
oh and the lad i got the rod
oh and the lad i got the rod off said he mated his with a saltist 4500, so i have a few options open to me for sure... cheers.
Posts: 290
Date Joined: 12/10/08
Very nice fish there Rig.
Very nice fish there Rig. well done!
Definatly look like a happy man!~
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Top Tailor Rig
Top Tailor Rig
Posts: 40
Date Joined: 20/06/11
Nice Chopper there mate -
Nice Chopper there mate - assume it's North?
TonyT I match a Stradic 4000 with my Sensor 10' but thats only due to finances, the 5000 would be a better match. Daiwa's are bigger and the 4000 is closer to the Shimano 5000. In fact the 5500 windcast is huge compared to Shimano Stradic sizings. I run 15lb and 30lb on the two spools and that is way strong enough for Tailor in the Metro area.
This is all in Metro too, I would go an 6000/8000 if further North as they aren't too big and you'll get a faster retrieve. Worth looking around at some other brands that are High Speed geared for poppers. The old Shimano TSS4 is the landbased machine everyone uses for spinning for Mackies that turns up 5.8 with a big spool. They don't make them anymore and I am not selling mine! You can find them 2nd hand on Ebay though for about $150 or less depending on condition.
Opinion on the 10 'Sensor - Best rod I ever owned and feels freakin' awesome to fish with. Go with a lighter reel IMHO.
Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught!
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
Cheers for your opinion and
Cheers for your opinion and info on those reels Hixy , it is noted, so i'll keep researching and see what bargain i can find..... Thanks again. im looking forward to getting out there and testing the new rod, just picked it up only has a couple of scratches and for $80 i'm hoping its a bargain.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Biggest chopper I've ever
Biggest chopper I've ever seen ;-)
Nice greenback Rig, solid fish! Makes the drive worth while hey
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Nice tailor Rig, haven't met
Nice tailor Rig, haven't met any that size down here yet ;)
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
Sherbert was starting a few rumours there were Till, but I wont beleive it until I see photos
cheers for the comments guys
yes Hixy like the report says S Bend (north)
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
great fish m8 A hooter
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Top Tailor. Congrats.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.